in #fiction5 years ago

Hello everyone, before you start reading this sequel, kindly check out
Don't tell me about God
My Hoely Confession


The first time I saw him had been my last time. The holiday was over and I was to return back to school that day. Typical of my aunt, she insisted I must worship before travelling. In her words, “Be in God’s presence and commit the new session into his hands”. I had argued, stating so many reasons why I needed to leave early but it all fell on deaf ears and her husband as always was in full support and so I decided to rebel by putting on a short red mini skirt and a see through black top. She tried to get me to change it but there was no way I was letting her win that war.

In church, I chose the front seat and when it was time for Sunday school, a young man in his mid twenties walked up the altar and stood behind the glass pulpit. He had the type of face that stopped you in your tracks. He was handsome from the depth of his eyes to the gentle expressions of his voice when he spoke. There was just something about him and the way he gesticulates with every word spoken. I watched the outline of his long fingers and how he occasionally touched his chin when he wanted the congregation to finish up his statement and when he smiled, it was like sunshine on a cloudy day. He was dressed in a cotton shirt with a pair of black pants and he looked so good in it.

At that moment I decided he was a must have. Such a pity I had to resume school but I knew I would have to find an excuse to come home soon enough. Pastor Chris as I later knew him to be was going to be mine. There was so much innocence in his eyes and I couldn’t wait to explore it and take him to realms he has never been before. Today was another opportunity and hell yes, I was going to utilize it.

As always I sat through worship patiently waiting for the closing prayer so I can set my plans in motion. Immediately the amen was said, I rushed outside searching franticallyfor him and luckily for me I caught him before he flagged down the oncoming taxi. He was in such a rush today.

“Good afternoon Bro Chris”, I shouted running after him. I was panting by the time I caught up with him and needed to catch my breath so I could speak coherently. He stood there with his smile ever so bright making my heart skip a beat. He’s so patient, I thought to myself. “You are leaving already?” I asked offering my hand for a handshake. He took it in his and I could feel how soft his hands were and my mind wandered imagining things these hands could do to me.

“Yes, Sis….”

“Christiana. I’m Sis Christiana”, I helped out feeling weird adding that title to my name. Sister indeed. Well, perhaps I am a sister after all but not in the church, a sister of the world.

“Sis Christiana, I am actually rushing to catch up with a 3pm flight to Abuja”, he said checking the time on his black leather wristwatch forcing me to check mine too. “Is there anything you want me to help you with?” he asked smiling still.

“Yes! I want you, the whole of you”, my crazy thought whispered within me. I ran my hand across my hair and smiled. “Errm, not really. I enjoyed the teaching today on prayers and I wanted to know if I can meet up with you for some special prayers sometimes within the week? I finished searching his face questioningly if perhaps he might have an inclination as to what my plans could be.

“Oh! That’s not an issue. Bro Raphael can help you with that if it’s that urgent…”

“Actually,” I interjected, “I want you Pastor Chris, who better will understand a youth if not a fellow youth? I believe whatever issues I may have will resonance with you”. I finished hoping he doesn’t shove me off.

He smiled again nodding his head. “Here is what we do, take my card”, he brought out his complimentary card and gave it to me. “I should back in town by Sunday because from Abuja, I shall be going to Lagos before coming back to Ibadan”.

My heart leapt for joy at the mention of Lagos. “Lagos? Can we meet in Lagos then? You see I school in Lagos and if it won’t be much of a bother, I will like to meet up with you in Lagos…… for the prayers”, I chipped in.

He stood for a while with a thinking face then shrugged his shoulders. “Alright then, just give me a call. I am sorry I have to run along now. Take care of you and don’t stop praying okay?”

“I sure will Pastor, I am all team Jesus”, I replied without thinking only to realize the awkwardness of what I just said but Pastor Chris was gone in a flash. Well, mission accomplished.

To be continued