Lion VS Tiger, Who Will win ?
Good Evening my lovely friends
I have an interesting post tonight with the title about "Tiger VS Lion"

This is an interesting question. Both equally bear the title of "King", both are also at the top of the food chain. Both also belong to the largest cat species in the world. Equally savage, strong, and aggressive. It's just "at this time" the habitats of these two cats are different. So naturally these two cats should not meet in the wild.
But what if these two cats meet?
We think that if the male lions and tigers suddenly meet, they will not hello to each other, get acquainted and play together. Instinct them as the "king" who will talk more. These two big cats are very territorial, if any other male cat enters its territory then one of the cats must go from that region.
If both feel equally strong, then the duel is the answer. That's kind of an unwritten agreement in the cat world.
History records that both cats are reported to have fought both in the wild, in captivity and within the complaint arena. The topic of tiger vs lion has actually become a popular discussion material especially among hunters, naturalists, artists and kings. This curiosity made some kings of ancient times pit these two cats in a gladiator's arena.
Before knowing who became king in the cat kingdom, we will see the data between the lion and the tiger.
Physical Comparison
Tiger (Panthera tigris)
The recorded tiger species has 10 sub-species, some of which have been declared extinct like the Java tiger and the Bali tiger. The Siberian tiger and Bengal tiger are the largest subspecies among other Panthera tigris species. The length of the Bengal tiger is about 270 - 310 cm with an average weight of about 180 - 258 Kg. The length of the male Siberian tiger is about 250 - 290 cm with an average weight of about 180 - 306 Kg.

Lion (Panthera leo)
The lion species is recorded to have 12 sub-species, and among them extinct wildlife, including the Atlas lion from North Africa, the Atlas lion is the largest lion among other lion subspecies. The lion is in the region of Asia and the continent of Africa. In Asia, the average weight of a male lion is about 160 - 190 Kg, with a length of about 240 - 290 cm, while in Africa the average weighs about 145-205 Kg, with a length of about 250-300 cm.

Temperament Comparison
The tiger is a solitary cat, his life aloof. Hunting alone, eating alone, sleeping alone, playing alone, talking to yourself, marrying himself, just all alone.
While the lion is a social cat. The only cat that has a unique social system. Generally 1 male lion leads 1 group of lioness and lion cubs. The duty of a male lion is to lead and protect the lions and marry the lions. Either who teaches the lion to form such a social system. If there is a second life and a cat, admin Uniklopedia prefer to be a male lion than a male tiger. You know what I mean ..? Huehehe ..
Generally scientists agree that the tiger is more agile & agile, more intelligent, and more ferocious than the lion. Tigers are also more effective hunters than lions. This is because tigers have to hunt alone while the lions can hunt rame-rame.
Brain Size Comparison
A study from scientists at the University of Oxford showed the tigers had relatively greater brain volume than lions. Even the large volume of the tigers of Bali's tigers, which is the smallest tiger, is relatively as large as the volume of the South African lion's brain.
Comparison of Bite Strength
When using units of Pounds per Square inch (PSI). The average young lion has 691 PSI strength, while the average adult liver bite strength is 1000 PSI or approximately the strength of the bite is 1/2 ton. The strongest ever measured is the 1500 PSI.
While the average adult tiger bite strength is 1050 PSI. So the average strength of lion and tiger bites is balanced. The average dog bite strength is 200 PSI - 550 PSI. This power is enough to break the bone, so if you take a walk into the forest in Siberia then pounced on a tiger from behind, only a miracle can release you from the bite of a tiger.
Comparison of Claw Scratches
The strength of tiger and lion's claws is enough to tear the cow's skull. When the Atlas lions are pitted against the Bengal tiger, it is said that both battles are very exciting (and sad). Tigers are more effective at scratching, slashing their claws faster and more brutally than lions. While the lion is slower in scratch but the wound sabetannya deeper to make the tiger must retreat for a moment. A smarter tiger than a lion can manage the strategy by retreating and taking a break before finally progressing and ending the life of the largest lion in the world with a variation of his tawny claws.
Lion Root Comparison.
Lions and tigers are both roaring cats. In captivity sometimes if the tiger roars the lion nearby will roar back in response. For the layman who hears the roar of tigers and lions often can not distinguish which tiger roar and which roar lion if without seeing it directly. Generally the power of the lion's roar is stronger than the tiger. Lion roar can be heard from a distance of 8 KM while the tiger is only 3 KM.
Here are the statistic of Tiger and Lion. I hope this post can adding insight. Thank you for reading :)
See you next time ^_^
great information good post .
well i liked Tigers more than Lions so in my opinion Tigers just saying . . ;P