Get Out - Film Review

in #film6 years ago

Get Out is the directorial debut from Jordan Peele and it stars English actor Daniel Kaluuya, from Black Mirror's Fifteen Million Merits episode, as Chris Washington, a black guy with a white girlfriend whose parents he's about to meet for the first time! Worried about how they may react to him being in a relationship with their daughter because he's black Chris already feels awkward about meeting them and when he does it's definitely a strange interraction, not a terrible one though! It seems as though they're trying too hard to accept him and the fact that he's black, attempting to relate to him on some level and at first Chris let's it go but soon uncovers something much more disturbing.

This was a fantastic film and I thoroughly enjoyed it, for a first time director Jordan Peele did an excellent job and he wrote it as well! It's a parody on the horror genre, Chris and his girlfriend are taking a trip to stay with her parents in the woods, they're rich and it's a mansion but it's still out in the woods and instead of gouls and goblins you have extremely rich white people and racial tension in the form of insensitive off colour remarks aimed at Chris in attempts to be complimentary. It's an interesting take on racism, instead of hatred it's more about admiration, it's still ignorant and it's still offensive but there's a sense that these old rich white people want to be black!

It's a well written film and it's laugh out loud funny throughout, I love the premise and I love the characters, Daniel Kaluuya's perfect in the role, his facial expressions and reactions are priceless, this is actually the second time I've watched Get Out and I would have never guessed he was English had I not seen him in Black Mirror, but now that I have it stood out and it sounded exactly like Bashy's American accent in that same Black Mirror episode (he was one of the judges) which made me laugh. My favourite character though was without a doubt Rod, played by Lil Rey Howery, every word out of this man's mouth had me cracking up, he was fucking hilarious I wish there was more of him!

All of the performances were great, Allison Williams was great as Rose, Chris's girlfriend, Bradley Whitford and Catherine Keener were great as her parents, Caleb Landry Jones was perfect in the role as Rose's arsehole brother, he was the bully in that episode of Louie as well! Good performances all around. It's a good looking film as well, lots of interesting visuals and a great job is done keeping the environment interesting given that almost all of it takes place in one location. I also enjoyed the soundtrack, there's some good use of music and throughout this entire film there's only one jump scare and I felt like it was used ironically, jump scares are cheap and ineffective.

All in all Get Out was a thoroughly entertaining film and I'd recommend it to everyone, both hardcore and casual film fans, it will be easily enjoyed by both! It's a well paced film, it's intriguing and it's very funny, no spoilers but there's a slight twist at the end and if I had one complaint about the film it would be the fact that it may have been much more impressive without it, don't get me wrong it's pretty much perfect as it is but that thought did occur to me, I wouldn't change it though, maybe that film could just be made as well!? I'm gonna give Get Out an 8.4/10, if you haven't seen it yet it's definitely worth a watch, I enjoyed it quite a bit, more so the second time through as well!

What did you think of Get Out?