How can Game of Thrones teach business?

in #film3 years ago


  1. A rival in business can become a partner
    The enemies in "Game of Thrones" began to join forces against a more archenemy.
    It's the same in business - you don't know yet with which competitive companies you are going to team up to achieve the necessary results together.

2.Advantage over Competitors

Khaleesi and her dragons are an advantage over the competitors in the Seven Kingdoms market. We should not forget that the other pretenders to the throne also have something to show: Barathenoa has a red priestess, the Lannisters have money and a good reputation.

And now we turn to the market leaders: each of them has some advantage over their rivals. And often not materially, but emotionally. Lifestyle, attitude, behavior - that's what customers like, and can't be repeated by competitors.

  1. Market leadership is there today and not there tomorrow.

Kings in "Game of Thrones" die a lot. That's why this is "Game of Thrones," that leadership positions can be held by anyone who really wants them. You want to be the leader you have to not give up your position for a minute and fight on. A little slack and that's it, you're no longer a leader.

  1. Go for the global goal in small steps, but confidently

Khaleesi has a good example of a strategy for achieving a higher goal (regaining her throne, of course). She is gradually gaining more and more strength and loyal allies. Step by step she goes towards her goal.

In the struggle for leadership in the market should stick to a strategy with intermediate goals, if you immediately aim for the big score can not achieve anything, but to waste their efforts in vain.

  1. Win without a war

Khaleesi is a good example. She amassed such a large army of loyal warriors and supporters. She didn't need a war. All she did was persuade people to come over to her side-slaves, warriors. In the language of marketing, it sounds like this: identifying the needs of your target audience.

If you dive into business, you need to identify a need that your competitors can't meet in order for your audience to become yours. And show that you can do it unlike your competitors.
"You don't owe me the freedom. I can't give it to you - because your freedom doesn't belong to me. It belongs to you - and only to you. If you want it back, take it yourself." Khaleesi

The material that inspired me to write this article

Have a great day and a good mood, everyone!