Finally Comments is now on


Hey all 👋

I thought I’d take this time to do a quick write up about FinallyComments and share some of my thoughts on the projects. is a project by @noisy that documents the many new projects and platforms that are being created on the STEEM blockchain. If you’ve not already been to the site, take a quick look and I’m sure you’ll find some projects you did not know about. Finally Comments Page Here

🗺 RoadMap

Here’s my current expected plan for FinallyComments features

  • Guest Commenting Functionality - I believe this is important to add because we cannot (without some costly/technical heavy features) control the ability for instant new Steem signups.
  • Beneficiaries - People keep telling me to add a small %. When finally picks up and this amounts to any usable SP there can be a finally upvote bot.
  • User Profiles - A slide-in user profile that shows latest comments and more information about the user. Currently there is an optional overlay but it’s UI/functionality is lacking.
  • Themes - Customisation is limited because finally is an iframe embed. To ensure finally can be best used on site with many designs themes will add customisation and help finally seamlessly blend with the parent site. Especially needed is a dark theme.
  • How To Guides e.g
    • How To Install FinallyComments on a Ghost Blog
    • How To Install FinallyComments on a Jekyll Website
    • How To Install FinallyComments on a Wordpress Blog
    • etc etc
  • Wordpress Plugin - This will be a pretty key upgrade/offering, the idea is to have an install once and ‘just work’ plugin to replace or complement the Wordpress comments system.

The aim is to have all of these completed by the end of May. It might be a tad ambitious depending on what else I want to work on but its a target. 🎯

🏗 Expansion

How to get more people using Finally?

Personally I think once the features above are complete finally will be at a place where it is worth shouting about and people will find out about it naturally. Promotion via Trending is a possibility but I mostly dislike bidbots (perhaps I can reach out to a whale personally).

If you have any ideas how to spread FinallyComments let me know

Thanks for reading. Please feel free to share any thoughts, ideas and requests in the comments


Can you do a SMT? With SMT the comment system will work with your token and steem. With this you can become like an alt to disq. Also since the comment system is in website creator site-create a benjcary stem where the authors get a cut of % of the commnet rewards.

Yes it's a possibility. Once SMTs are released and we have more information on exactly how they are implemented onto of STEEM i'll look into integrating them with Finally. Unfortunately we're not sure when SMTs will be out, hopefully soon.

How about my other idea? That might encourage more people to use the service...

Also since the comment system is in website creator site-create a beneficiaries where the authors get a cut of % of the commnet rewards.

Yes good idea, I think the owner of the site should be able to choose what split goes to the website + commenter 👍

I've added this as a feature-request to the Github repo, I have a lot of updates to work on over the next few weeks. I'll aim to include it in an upcoming version. Thanks

Sweet-I have a few website owners that might just use the app :) I'll tell them aobut once you add it

Thanks for submitting such a good listing! I barely had to touch it before publishing.

FYI, I did set the listing up to auto add new posts to the timeline if they're by you and have the #finallycomments tag (should be adding this post soon :/).

- @carn, SteemProjects Moderator

hey, such a small world here on steem. Cool to see you're a moderator on steemprojects. I think steemprojects will be a super useful project as more and more apps are made for the platform.

Thanks for adding the tag for auto posting. It's not been picked up yet, do you know how often it's checked? 👊

No idea how long it takes. It's worked for other projects in the past so hopefully it didn't break :/

I'm very interested in a wordpress plugin that work alongside in tab to wordpress comments AND/OR Discord/wordpress. I have to look again at the respository on Wordpress, but one of the plugins has 2 tabs- one for native wordpress and one for discord.

My current question is if this is embeddable into a WordPress post body at the moment. Because that would also be helpful in addition to comments. I know with facebook comments, you can use a plugin but you can also add the comments to a post/page body with some shortcode. That's great for when making landing pages and other things that have commenting off.

Please also consider a tutorial for adding to blogger or tumblr. Even a hotlink with a button to the iframe source would be good in the meantime.

I'm very interested in a wordpress plugin that work alongside in tab to wordpress comments AND/OR Discord/wordpress.

I'm not 100% on how I'll implement it yet but the tab idea might work well.

My current question is if this is embeddable into a WordPress post body at the moment.

Yes it is. It has to be done manually right now copy/pasting for each post but it's totally possible. If you log in to the site at you can generate the embed code then copy/past it into the HTML tab of the wordpress post/page content editor. Let me know if you try and have any issues.

Please also consider a tutorial for adding to blogger or tumblr. Even a hotlink with a button to the iframe source would be good in the meantime.

Totally. Aim will to be to have one post for all the major platforms!

p.s You can link to any thread by changing the url e.g this post

^ Realise there needs to be extra tutorials/info on this because it's not obvious :)

An ambitious roadmap for a month or two, but I believe you’ll get it done! Still one of the most exciting projects on Steem. I’m all in favor of services taking a small percentage to fund costs & development, and incentivize improvement and marketing. Don’t hesitate to implement a revenue split if you wish!

Thanks Bryan I appreciate the support. Hopefully with a few more of there updates we can start shouting about the project a bit more and more people might be as excited as you.

If you have any ideas how to spread FinallyComments let me know

I think you should try to get the attention of people who are actively looking for a solution. So the planned tutorials seem to be a good strategy to spread the word about Finally. I would start with tutorials for static sites like Jekyll and Gatsby. They all have the problem to integrate a comments system. Normally this is Disqus. But I think it could / should be Finally. I think the magic bullet might be integration-marketing :)

👊 Glad you agree, once I've got a couple more features in and cleaned up some of the UI/code thats my next big hurdle. Pretty much just want tutorials for every type of platform but agree it's a great fit for static sites so they're probably first.

This is cool; I just saw it on Steemprojects.
I'll happily install it once it is available for WordPress. My site is something of a test bed for Steem/Wordpress projects.

Ace! Thanks for the support, hoping to get onto the WP plugin asap as I know a bunch of people want it.

Vaya amigo es un proyecto realmente interesante y creo que podría funcionar mucho éxito amigo :D

thank you for your effort.
could you add some function ?

  1. comment reload every 20 second?
  2. after reloading, go down to the last reply that I commented.


.1 comment reload every 20 second?

Yes. this is a good idea, I had not actually thought about this until you just mentioned it. I will add this as a Github issue and aim to include in an update in the near future.

.2 after reloading, go down to the last reply that I commented.

I'm not 100% sure what you mean here. if we reload the comment, we would not want to move the user's place on the page because we don't know what they are doing. They could be halfway through the article or writing a comment themselves. If you explain what the use case is here I might be able to understand a little better.

Thank you for your response.
As per #2, I understand what you’re saying.
But I don’t know which comment is new or old as visual.
That’s why I’d like to suggest like below.
I already logged in. I commented and then another user leave comment for my comment. I want to know reply for my comment.

How about below solutions?

  1. My comment is highlighted.
  2. If I receive new comment within 1day or 1 hr,
    That comment also is highlighted.

Okay I understand, so similar to how Steemit highlights the reply in green?