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RE: Why Libertarians Should Focus on Localization

in #finallyfreeamerica7 years ago (edited)

Governments are not a bad thing. And although most people are able to govern themselves, there are masses of people: disabled physically and mentally, or just normal able-bodied that would be lost without a fair and just system guiding them through their life/s.

The problem is corruption in politics\government. In this country, UK, it appears to many of us that an elite group of privileged men pass the political baton to each other as if on a elite relay team. They have the same upbringing , similar schooling, most times the same connections. Every once in a while they allow people of color/women to join their team/clique knowing they'll never be captain of the team.

Margaret Thatcher, a strong -willed woman was an exception, nicknamed, The Iron Lady. However, posthumously, horrible things have been penned and spoken about her.

If present governments globally weren't so vague, so incompetent, so inept, dealing with immigration, public fund/purse, warring as a lucrative business...the list is endless, we wouldn't be all involved in this exit strategies: Brexit, Texit, Calexit, Catalonian Independence, Quebexit.

The only way to clean up politics is to clear out the cobwebs, clear out the career politically minded believing it's their birthright. Bring in people who have lived among the masses, that have gotten their hands dirty, that care about the common man.

Only then will life become real and vibrant!
