How you are PROGRAMMED to be Poor

in #financelast year

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In this post, I will be speaking in regard to the education we get in India as I can't speak for foreign Countries and how their education system is so all of this will be in respect to the Indian Education System.
In the Education System of India, we don't have anything that relates or even comes close to FINANCE and how you should you keep your relationship with MONEY. So naturally when we graduate and go look out for jobs we tend to just earn money and keep it in the bank and that is exactly how we are wired to be poor as we don't know how to make our money work for us and earn more money.

So yeah I can say that we are definitely programmed in such a way that makes us unable to pursue proper Investment Routes and by doing so we are just keeping our Money either in the Bank where the Money just slowly loses its value or Put our Money into Policies considering those as Investments while they offer close to zero actual returns. Even when students study COMMERCE they still don't learn about actual finance and the management of Money which in my mind is simply Ludacris.

In my opinion, the Education System in India should strongly include Finacial Literacy in their current program as I feel it is utterly necessary in our Economy and I feel like Class 11 would be the perfect year to incorporate Finance into Studies as this is the only class where students have time on their hands and the mental aptitude to understand FINANCE.
