Tax deductions are another area to which most Christians never give much thought. Additionally, there are many “Christian financial experts” who give a lot of inaccurate advice in this area as well, following the wisdom of the world instead of the ways of God and His simple plan.
Not having to pay taxes certainly seems to be extremely wise and a faithful stewardship of resources. However, didn’t Jesus Himself command us to “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s” (Mark 12:17) when He was questioned about whether we should pay taxes or not?
Of course, we are subject to the government, and, technically, since we pay taxes, we are servants of that government to a certain degree. In light of that, I must agree, “Art thou called being a servant? care not for it: but if thou mayest be made free, use it rather” (1 Corinthians 7:21).
If the government demands of us a portion of our financial intake, then we should let them have it, but if we can be made free from it, we should seek such an escape from obligation.
In regard to the 501c3 tax exempt status, was it really freedom that they offered, or an exchange of yokes? If you do some research, you will see that when Lyndon Baines Johnson was still a senator, he headed the creation of the 501c3.
Why would he do such a thing?
To silence his opposition. If the pulpits would keep quiet, then he would stand a better chance of achieving his political goals and succeeding in his agenda.
He offered to exchange the harness on the wallet and to place it on the mouth, and it worked.
(Actually, "According to IRS Publication 557, as well as IRS Code § 508, churches and church ministries are “exempt automatically.”" source)
I wonder if King David could have succeeded in silencing Nathan in like manner. When Nathan told David “Thou art the man” (2 Samuel 12:7), could David have countered with, “No, Benjamin Franklin is the man, go away and keep quiet”, and simply have offered the man of God some cash in exchange for his silence?
John the Baptist was unafraid to hold government officials accountable even when it cost him his life. God will not silence His people, and according to the 1st Amendment, Americans have freedom of speech.
How interesting that man, or “the Church”, would instead choose to reject the freedom that was given by both God and country simple to save some dollars.
The actual aim of this discussion is on the other end of the 501c3, our end.
We all know that if we give enough to 501c3 organizations, we can itemize our deductions, which can lead to either a larger tax return or a reduced tax responsibility, which either increases the money that we get back or decreases the amount that we have to pay in.
Many “Christian financial experts” strongly encourage this, as do many churches and organizations. The unfortunate part of this advice comes into light once Scripture is examined.
Believers form the body of Christ upon the earth, and when it comes to giving, we are commanded to “let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth” (Matthew 6:3b).
Despite this direct commandment from the Messiah Himself, many will pause an entire “church service” just to take turns dropping an “offering” into the coffer.
Though the believers’ time together in church is already so short and so restrained, yet we use more time in order to directly disobey the Lord.
My guess is that tradition is responsible here, but it seriously bewilders me.
I even know people who would get paid on a bi-weekly basis and yet write two checks (one for each week) so they never had to let the coffer go by empty.
Technically, that is a waste right there. As we further evaluate this situation, it gets even worse. For those who choose not to anonymously give cash, a record is made of each and every cent ever contributed.
Though we are to “let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth”, everyone gets to watch each movement (or lack of movement) as the coffer is passed.
Additionally, certain members meticulously track and document every contribution.
To make things worse, that information is shared with those outside the body.
The government (IRS) receives copies of every financial move that many Christians ever make.
Why do we do all of this?
To try to get more money!
We jump through all the pre-approved hoops and document every cent, so we can get a reward from Uncle Sam; a nice pat on the back and a stack of cash back in the wallet for our “job well done”.
If there was no Bible to take into consideration, this could all be a commendable series of events from our point of view, but remember, our point of view is tainted and the wisdom of man is foolishness to God.
When we do take the Bible, and God’s simple ways, into consideration, we not only find the command, but the purpose for the command as well,
But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth: That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly. (Matthew 6:3-4)
If one hand doesn’t know what the other is doing, our deeds will be in secret.
If they are in secret, then only God knows (except perhaps the recipient).
Though we may be anonymous to man, we are well known to God.
But secrecy in itself is not the purpose.
Secrecy is the means to the end desired by God.
When we obey God in this area, then He “shall reward thee openly.”
God wants to be the One to give us a return on our investment, and He does not want us to look to man to provide the things He promises.
We are to look to Him.
Have we fallen into believing that man has more to offer us than God?
Has the government become to us the one whom we seek to obey so that we may be blessed?
Who can give us a greater reward: man or God?
Have we forgotten that God says, “For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills” (Psalm 50:10) and “For the earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof” (1 Corinthians 10:26)?
Not only is He capable of rewarding us far more than all that the government has to offer, but His reward is purer as well.
No matter what our flawed logic tells us, our giving is to be in secret.
The plan is simple, and the reward for obedience great, yet, somehow, most reject God’s way when it comes to this matter.
There is no way that we can succeed in receiving both rewards: one from God and one from man.
To receive the reward from man, we must disobey the command of God by carefully tracking each financial gift instead of giving in secret.
To receive the reward from God, we cannot obey the incentives of man. We must choose which one we will seek a reward from, and that is the only one that we can obey when it comes to how we give.
But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth: That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly. (Matthew 6:3-4)
I always offer in cash but my pastor prefers electronic bank transfer as it's less work for him which I can understand. He also preaches that tithing is not scriptural and that an offering is optional. An offering basket is never passed around during service. There is a box at the back of the church and anyone can contribute as they see fit or they can do it electronically.
I've honestly never considered the tax obligations of giving to my church as I view it as a free gift (just like salvation is a free gift) but now that you raise it I am not surprised that so many worldly and fleshy Christians do.
I live by a simple biblical rule. Give Caesar what it is so long as it doesn't contradict God's law. We must always obey God and we must be prepared to be persecuted, suffer and die for him if that is what it comes to.
2 Tim 3:12
If you aren't being persecuted you most likely are not living a Godly life.
Matt 6: 24 & Luke 16:13
Romans 4:2
Most men seek the glory of other men. God doesn't need to see what we do, he sees into our heart and he knows and sees everything.
I've been away and need to go back to the start of this series and catchup.
Great stuff (as usual)! If John the Baptist had the 1st Amendment, he'd still have his head! Your quote from Matthew 6 is my favorite part of the Bible, from there all the way to the Lord's Prayer...great advice (also about "When ye pray...") There's also another passage that tells us- whatever you give ye shall receive tenfold (or something like that- I'm probably the worst Biblical scholar). You notice in Matthew when Jesus says to do your "alms" in secret, he's not saying give to the church, I think, but to help one another on a personal basis. One reason that Jesus came to us is because "the church" had failed to meet its obligation and begun to emulate the political structure of Rome. I wrote a piece on this: The Failure of Institutional Remedies: The Philosophy of Jesus Christ.
I think in the New Testament, the "alms" were for "the church", but the church was not a building or paid clergy, "the church" was the believers who had needs. My how things have changed.
I agree...One definition for church I found is...a group of people who share similar beliefs. Maybe somebody should share that passage with Joel Osteen!
I probably shouldn't be judgemental, but I wouldn't want to be standing next to him in a lightning storm!
Nothing wrong with being wise!
It's hard to see a group - church - build a $25 million building - like that is a good use of $ when they should be out investing that money into people. Things have changed.
I consider that to be storing up treasures upon the earth, when they should be laying up treasures in heaven.
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Hey, @narrowminded, I was just directed to your special blog here today (and am now, of course, following! ) ;)
I realize that I'm "jumping into the middle" here, and I will go back and read prior posts... With that disclaimer, I'll mention a couple of observations on this chapter:
Human government, a.k.a. "the state," (IMHO, a.k.a. "the beast" of Revelation) has co-opted the churches into false worship. We should render "the things that are Caesar's?" There are none. "Caesar" steals and robs. All that Caesar has are ill-gotten gains. Jesus, the Creator of all things, is thus rightful owner of all; we therefore owe all to Him.
Some while back, @sethlinson wrote a series that included a pretty good article on the topic:
Render to Caesar that Which is Caesar's (Christian Anarchy - Part 4)
There are other similar articles (here on Steemit and elsewhere) that I pray you'll read and consider. :)
Now, along the lines that you've written about here (i.e., contrasting the wisdom of the world and what scripture says), I wrote an article using humor to draw attention to an error made by the vast majority of "Christian" employers:
Revolutionary Perspective on Tax Withholding
I wrote that some time back, in a humorous vein; I hope you find it interesting and relevant.
Blessings! Steem on!😄😇😄