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RE: 2018 The Year Of Financial Collapse? The Economist Cover 1988, Uranus in Taurus And Master Number 11, Deutsche Bank Breakdown, Governments Debts

in #finances6 years ago

Great post and observations here @flauwy I very much agree that there is going to be some form of crash. Out of whose ashes will rise the desired new world system which like you say will probably be some form of centralised crypto (probably gold backed to instill confidence). Indeed anyone that owns gold & silver will (I believe) experience an exponential rise in the value of their metals portfolio. Depending how we react to this situation will determine the course of humanity, a time of danger and yet incredible and tangible promise.

As alluded to above, I believe the systems answer (it has been a long time in the planning) will be some form of digital currency/crypto and that over time they will demand that we become increasingly connected to it (barcode/chip) and that it will morph into some form of Chinese style social credit system. On the flip side the decentralisation concept/philosophy is really gathering steem (pun intended) and is filtering down into the subconscious, teaching people that by lifting others up we elevate ourselves .. we don't have to live in a dog eat dog world.

I feel that it’s absolutely imperative that we build both digital and physical communities with this ethos. Aside from the blockchain, I feel this philosophy has the potential to set brushfires in the minds of man, it’s not so much the crash as how we react to it that is going to define our future. This will be a race to the finish and it’s going to come down to how much we value our freedom. We must stay outside the system and take responsibility for ourselves and those around us .. and of course keep love in our hearts :) Thanks again my friend.


Right, our actions during the crash will be of highest importance. We have to keep our humanity and positive focus. You live in the UK, right? Probably a good as long as you are not in the big cities. My dad lives in Somerset.

Social crediting system? I have heard that from @maxigan but I still believe that there would be a public outcry OR they put us so deep into fear first that we basically ask for it.

That reminds me I still have to read up on your latest fabrications. I always bookmark them and try to read them later and then I just push it in front of me. ;)

Hey @flauwy yes I'm in the UK and I agree that if possible it would be wise to vacate the cities during such an incident .. in fact it's one of the reasons I left the south-east. Equally, the UK is an interesting one, to start with there are 65 million of us on a small island .. we have a divided society because of Brexit and there are a growing number of social and racial tensions .. throw a banking crisis into the mix and people unable to access their money and buy food and it could be a powderkeg .. indeed the London riots are still fresh in my mind, from that perspective Somerset is a wise place to be.

From my own research, a currency reset and subsequent digital system has been a very long time in the planning and I feel when it happens (not sure if it will be this year but it is a mathematical certainty that it will happen) they will be looking to maximise it's potential. They will want people out on the streets demanding this new system as opposed to having it forced upon them .. problem/reaction/solution. In terms of social credit yes I can certainly understand where you're coming from and at this moment in time it seems incomprehensible .. equally, when you move into a digital system it begins to add an extra control mechanism and the social engineers are adept manipulating public perception. Indeed the definitions of hate speech are becoming ever broader and there are many whom even now would be happy to see "haters" socially punished .. give the engineers five-ten years of propaganda and we may be surprised what people agree to.

Personally, although I think it has the potential to cause unrest I also see such a reset as a huge opportunity to make a free break from the system .. a crisis point can (if handled correctly) become a great instigator/driver of change and I feel this reset is going to split the population between those that follow the official narrative and those that make a clean break and follow their own destiny. Every cloud and all that ;) No worries, just catch the posts as and when you can .. you're doing some great work and are very busy on here so no worries. Thanks again dude.

@perceptualflaws, @flauwy. Great article and great comment.

The currency reset is on its way, and yes, it is likely to occur during a moment of crisis.

The plans for this are already well written.

Will it be a digital currency? There are elements which suggest that it will be available in digital format, perhaps as part of the excuse for the reset. The old and new currency are likely to operate alongside each other for a while. However the old currency will, to all intents and purposes, be a foreign currency which can be bought and sold via banks, and foreign exchange bureaux. It wouldn’t be terribly different from the decimilisation in the UK when you could have paid 240 old pennies or 100 new pennies for exactly the same thing. In other words, old and new, digital and physical, will operate alongside each other.

As far as the benefits to the country. The economy will be running officially on the new currency.. National economy will not be burdened by the old currency and the national debt nominated the old currency.