Financial Education - Economic activity of their preference in accordance with the constitutional parameters

in #financial4 days ago

According to the Constitution of Venezuela (1999), all persons may freely engage in the economic activity of their choice, with no other limitations than those provided for in this Constitution and those established by law, for reasons of human development, security, health, environmental protection or other social interest.

Source ( Blog-iacl-aidc )

The State shall promote private initiative, guaranteeing the creation and fair distribution of wealth, as well as the production of goods and services that satisfy the needs of the population, freedom of labor, enterprise, commerce and industry, without prejudice to its power to dictate measures to plan, rationalize and regulate the economy and promote the integral development of the country.

By virtue of what is stated in the article, the Venezuelan State has the obligation to promote the creation of companies and guarantee to those already created, distribution of wealth, governmental support to private companies. In view of this, the study is supported by the article because it contributes to know and analyze the financial risks that occur after the diversity of income from sales in foreign currency, with the intention of strengthening business management, allowing to guarantee the supply of dairy products throughout the national territory.

All persons shall have the right to have quality goods and services as well as adequate and non-deceptive information on the content and characteristics of the products and services they consume; to freedom of choice and to equitable and dignified treatment. The law establishes the mechanisms to guarantee these rights, the standards for controlling the quality and quantity of goods and services, the procedures for the defense of the consumer public and the corresponding sanctions for damages caused and the corresponding sanctions for the violation of these rights.

Source ( Natoassociation )

According to the above, companies may engage in the economic activities of their choice but must comply with Venezuelan laws, providing valid and reliable information. The state will protect and promote small and medium industry, cooperatives, savings banks, as well as family businesses, micro-enterprises and any other form of community association for work, savings and consumption, under a collective property regime, in order to strengthen the economic development of the country, based on popular initiative. Training, unique assistance and timely operation are ensured.

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