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RE: The Watchers

in #finishthestory5 years ago

I just adore the trippy dreamscape nature of this, and how well it ties into the first half! You pick this up seamlessly, and instead of decoding, you build up, letting the parts you write explain what came before

The way it starts from the ungloved touch, and the slow dripping that occurs, like a Salvador Dali painting, as things begin to distort from reality, and Shiro is transport elsewhere, along with the girl he touched. I just love how you describe all of this, so where do i buy this tooth paste haha!

Have you heard of Dream Corp LLC? Think you might enjoy it ;)



With author rewards being cut we're going to have to make up the difference somehow, so you'll be excited to know you can not only buy the toothpaste but become part of my toothpaste sales downline!

I haven't watched Dream Corp but I'll check it out.

Can I become part of the toothpaste?

Probably you mean become part of my awesome toothpaste sales team, which is in no way a dodgy pyramid scheme and yes of course you can join for the low cost of 299 (limited time offer! currency units to be disclosed at time of payment), but...

I like the idea that we can all literally become toothpaste instead. Got bills, student loans, muscle aches, annoying neighbors? Become toothpaste! Everything is solved.

Yes, I definitely wanted a human-to-toothpaste conversion. For the ponzi part, I already write on steemit.