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RE: Coaster Town

in #finishthestory5 years ago

have you ever seen a sketch, that captures a thousand times more than the most intricate oil painting, for each delicate stroke, carries a palpable weight of intention, a shape of emotion.... ;) i really enjoyed this, it feels like a meander, a lazy drift down a stream, where john doesn't get what he wanted, but that's okay, a happy ending isn't always getting what you want, but growing a little, accepting things, and being happy can be a much happier ending.

The way you tell this, setting up, then taking the detour up the trail, Carl having realized he'd gone a little too far and having waited for him, the way the action reflect the plot, it is beautiful, you really are a gifted writer, and this was rushed! <3


a happy ending isn't always getting what you want, but growing a little, accepting things

This is such a perfect way of putting this and just what I was going for. Thank you!


Are you on the bananafish discord? your comments make me so happy, i was gunna send you a yey it's friday and wait, are you on holiday or a business trip snax tip via discord and realized i don't know if you are even on there!

I'm not but I'm going to get on sometime when I get back home after the weekend. The trip is family-ish stuff and full of neat surprises like staying in houses with no wifi. Fun!

Dang dude, and you totally found me flagging one of my friends lol

I have no idea what this whole deal is, what the flagging war you are involved is, is that all your own growing? It looks sweet, and that looks worth at least checking out... But damn, collective punishment? Historically, it is how people undo themselves, like punishing all those who come into contact with someone unites them against you. Bear in mind I have no horse in this race, no idea what is going on here, no idea who started this, who is being targeted and who is being hit for being affiliated with someone, but say... I dunno... My uncle robbed the sheriff. Pretty shitty thing, gunna think my uncle is pretty shitty for that, most people are objectively, even if we still love him cos he is family and a big player in town. If the sheriff however punishes the entire family, all the neighbors, and everyone who knows my uncle even if they had no idea he was a thief, a lot of people who might have supported the sheriff in arresting my uncle are then pissed at the sheriff. That's when the town ends up resenting the sheriff, and my uncle might just get away with something he really shouldn't have.

So what's the crack, what's really going on here, cos come on, I see this face every day, that most certainly ain't what brought you here, what can I do for you?

Wow, point taken! I like that sheriff/uncle analogy. I didn’t want anything, your answer is good enough for me! Yeah I’m tired of wasting my time on all their innocent / some guilty friends anyway. You have very good explanation of why my methods weren’t working & even seemed to be backfiring on me more than not. Fine, I think I will listen to you and save myself a lot of time, grief, and sp and save it for the sheriff/s. To be honest I think that method will work a lot better. I can be ridiculous too sometimes, thanks for noticing. 🙏🤙🤙

Well you might not have been after anything, but you just gained my respect, and if you do end up sticking around on steemit, even if it's with a new name haha a friend. I have seen it play out too many times, and so much of the time the person doing it did have a legitimate reason, but this place can be madness and it gets lost so quickly. We all can, and more than half the time we get pushed to it. And thank you for both of those comments, hope it works out for you over on vaped ✌️

You’re Welcome!🙏🤙🤙✌️