Why does a Doctor indulge in business?

in #firstsales7 years ago (edited)

 Why does a Doctor indulge in other things - non medical related?? 

I realized I have not introduce myself since I came to Steemit. Apologize for the delay.
Lots of people when I meet, during networking events, social parties and etc, often asks me this- "Why are you, a well to do Doctor, doing so many things?" They meant my other business other than being a doctor. I often answered them, "no one ever got rich working a 9-5, what more an 7-6 + oncalls 3x a week, leaving the house when its still dark and returning home when its dark.'' I'd rather hustle 24/7 than slave 9-5.

Since young, I have been fascinated about business. I remember reading those Newsweek magazines of all the richest people in the world that my parents would subscribe monthly. None were working for someone. All did their own business. All came out of their comfort zone to meet people. Talk to people. Learn and understand why others fail and many many more. I was hooked since then.

I remember when I was in primary 1, on the first day of school, my mom told me not to be afraid. If anything happens, go find my elder brother who was 2 grades above me. I remember my mom giving me RM0.50 for school. In which I was supposed to buy some breakfast during recess for myself. On the first day, I still can clearly recall. My elder brother took my RM0.50 to buy me some fried mee hoon (RM0.30) and 2 fish balls (RM0.20) at the canteen (He taught me how to use money). I saw some snacks.. and I told him, I wanted those too! It was those chips that was greenish in color, and looks really intriguing for a 7 year old..lol.. But he told me that cost RM0.50 and its way out of our budget. Nevertheless, he took out his own pocket money and got it for me. And for that, I will remember for life, my brother probably went hungry got for my 'wants'.. I told myself, one day, I would have all the things I want. And my brother would share whatever I have, as long as he wants it. 

Time past, I made friends. And 1 of them has a father who runs a sundry shop. One day, he brought something that again caught my 7 years old eager eyes. It was those mechanical pencil, with a magnifying glass on top. It was a WOW for me. I quickly asked him how much it cost. Apparently, it was only RM0.20. I told him it looks awesome. Everyone only had those normal ones, some with an eraser at the top, but his... wow.. Its like a WORK OF ART! I quickly told him I wanted 10 of it. To bring it to school the next day. 

Basically a mechanical pencil + magnifying glass on top

That night I search for the RM2 high and low at home. Emptying trays and drawers, in hopes to find some shillings or small change leftover anywhere in the house. And I managed to collect that RM2 in 5 cents, 10 cents and 50 cents coins in no time as my dad often leaves out the coins before he leaves the house (maybe coz he didn't like the jingling sounds of the coins in his pocket. I was so happy, thinking of that 10 SPECIAL mechanical pencils till I fell asleep.

The next day was a BEAUTIFUL SUN SHINING day, I was so so excited when my friend brought them to school! He must be thinking that I'm some kinda weirdo wanting so many of it. LOL.. But I had a grand plan. To sell it at RM0.50, 150% of the cost to others. And enjoy the profits, buy all the ice creams and snacks and this and that... :evil grin.

Looks something like this

After I got it from him that morning, I quickly went off to devise my plan. I created a strategy to sell off my stock by creating something people called distraction? During the half hour recess at 10.30am, when the kids were eating, playing hide and seek, running all over the place, I took some paper and went to a corner of the school building - which was fairly secluded from the views of prefects and teachers. Guess what I did? I used the magnifying glass to burn the paper using the focused sunlight. Very soon, all the other kids were like wowing beside me. As if they never seen fire. FACEPALM. All asking to get a hold of the pencil. LOL.. But I stood my ground, telling them that's mine, and if they wanted one, they should pay for it. 

I swear my sales went like that, just that it was in coins..

And that, my dear steemians, was how I did my first sales at 7 years old. Sold 10 mechanical pencils within 5 minutes like selling candy to children (literally). So that business went on for a while until everyone got tired of it.. I think if I went back to my parents home now, I reckon that I would still find one of it. That’s how I started my life in business. Exciting and full of mistakes. But thankfully, lots of time to learn from mistakes. And lots of ‘support’ from these friends. 

I ended up being one of the ‘rich’ kids who could afford anything ('anything' as in anything from the canteen like sodas, chips, ice creams and so on. Basically all the junk food). From selling pencils to canvas wallets, to collectible coins, stamps, ping pong balls and rackets.. I met lots of kids with many characters during my few short years in primary school - which taught me a lot about people, how they behave, how they act and react, how they talk and how were they brought up. I still can remember vividly all the people that passed me by till today. Without these people to practice on, I wouldn’t be here today.

For illustration purposes only. Of course I did not get a dollar sign chain, suit and shades..but that would be super cool though..

Anyway, that’s it for now. Will continue my memories another day. I wish I have a wand and a pensive dish. So I could go all Dumbledore and just draw out my memories and play them like youtube vids. Will prolly talk about characters of the kids I meet in my younger years soon. Till then..



welcome! Glad to see you here. Hope you dont get as addicted as I am to steemit! ;-)

thanks! Well, its quite fun to be doing this. Especially if you have free time to kill! hahaha