My first Time Ever Catching Dinner!

in #fishing6 years ago

Hey there everybody!

So....@mikepedro and I went fishing the other day...and caught dinner!!! It was my first time ever catching something and then eating it....

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I just had to post this story for several reasons...

Firstly, about 6 months ago I never in this life thought I would catch and eat a fish! Ive been vegan/vegetarian for 5 years and just recently started eating meat again. I actually wrote a whole post about it if you feel like you'd like to hear that story :)

Secondly, I am genuinely shocked at the level of pride I felt after catching this fish... I'd actually like to explain this feeling a bit more. Its like I was feeling pride in my bones... the Hunt and Gather gene in me got switched on in that moment I swear! And ok this might sound dramatic from just catching one fish... but it's true! The fish fed the two of us, and the dog got the gritty bits for dinner...

Thirdly...the fact that it felt like magic, comparable only to the time I plucked fresh, homegrown figs off a branch and took a bite out of it straight away. Thats really the only word I can think of to describe it...magic. It made me realise how plentiful our earth is, and at the same time hit with the understanding of how this precious organism needs to be protected and cared for. It should be a win win...we should live in harmony with our earth...not stripping it! Because, like some obvious yet massively overlooked Karma....we are going to be the ones that suffer in the future if we don't.

This fish is called a Bream apparently, and was 37cm long. Over a KILO!

Once it was cooked up and sitting in front of me on the dinner table, i'd be lying if I said i didn't have second thoughts about eating it for a moment. It felt extremely...weird. But...I blessed it, thanked it for providing us with nutrients and goodness for our bodies, and the energy felt in me that day. I think its the longest i've ever taken to eat a meal, I felt so grateful for every single mouthful.

So, here is my story. Definitely not a traditional fishing tale I'm sure... I have no idea on the rods, lines or anything like that! I know we used prawns as bait...and that it was @mikepedro cast that got the line that far out into the water to be able to catch a fish like this...i'm still learning how to throw it!

I hope you found this story interesting, and thanks for having a read!

Headlessjess xo