5 Myths About SupplementssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #fitness6 years ago (edited)

Before we talk about the myths that are so much talked about, I wanted to give you an example of a Professor of mine that I had at university.

We have two roads that will have the same site, but one is smaller but is full of holes and will affect the car but is faster. And on the other road the road is longer and takes longer but we got there later but we arrived.

So what will you choose? You can choose the first one, faster but at the end you will be unhealthy and with serious future problems or you will choose the longer way and being healthy? You choose, there is no point in damaging your life with a short time pleasure. You Only Live Once.
Myth #1: Whey Protein makes you fatter
Ahhhh , that's just a dumb myth.

Let's think for a while, Whey Protein is compused by natural foods. It has calories like every food am i right? So.. with that said , vegetables also make you fatter? Maybe be cause it has calories. So maybe it's better not eat. Just being ironic, eat with moderation and grow up !

Myth #2: I Have A Good Diet, I Don't Need Supplements

Human body does not have the capacity to produce enough micro nutrients for the body to work perfectly, nor with the most perfect diet you would get and therefore the need to buy multi vitamin for example, on the other hand there are people who can not ingest the recommended amount of protein per day. Also not talking about the age because the older you are, the less energy you will have.

Myth #3: Creatine is a steroid.
That's tottaly correct! Or not.

Creatine is nothing like a steroid. Creatine is a natural substance found in the human body that helps to supply energy to (primarily) muscle cells. Performance enhancing anabolic steroids are drugs that mimic the benefits of the male sex hormone testosterone and are most commonly taken in excessive, dangerous dosages. While creatine is safe and natural, steroid use comes with many potentially dangerous side effects.

Myth #4: Everyone Will Experience The Same Benefits From A Supplement
This is a common "mistake" comitted by many people.

This is not true because i will give you an example, let's say you have a friend that jumped from a huge building and luckily didn't died. That doesn't mean you will have the same luck and you might die. See what i mean? Each body , each organism is different , no one is equal to no one.

Myth #5: Fat Burners Are A Waste Of Money
Not exactly my friend, that's a little tricky because there are products in the market that are really waste of money but many of them also are an extra help to you, because it increases your metabolism so you will burn fat faster and give you extra energy. Just try them out and then you will know, watch by reputation and comments by people.

Thanks for reading guys!

Andre2018 .