Power Up Fitness Challenge!

in #fitness6 years ago

Week 4 Results and Week 5 Kick-Off

If this is the first time you’ve encountered the Power-Up Fitness Challenge, WELCOME! We invite you to jump right in and join the Team starting NOW! Today is the day to begin making positive changes in your health, fitness and life by increasing your daily activity with the help of our Team and the Power-Up Fitness Challenge. If you put it off until “tomorrow”, tomorrow never comes. NOW is the time for action. Do it NOW!

Image Source: Pexels


I was challenged this week by a 74 year old Crossfit coach with 12% bodyfat who runs a daily Longevity program for people 55 years and up. I worked out surrounded by 70-somethings and got my butt kicked.

He challenged me to be devout in my nutrition and fitness. No time outs. No excuses. None. How could I not accept the challenge? He’s making huge powerful changes in the lives of his athletes—reversing disease and improving quality of life. So, I’m passing the challenge on to our team. Be DEVOUT.

Last week was my first week of not attaining my goal. I hate to say that as the “coach” of the Team. I commit to not let that happen again! I will BE DEVOUT! Will you join me?

The goal of the Power-Up Fitness Challenge is to complete 5 Daily Workouts (You can’t double-up in a day to make them up. We’re looking for five days of activity.)

Week 4 Power-Up Fitness Challenge Team:

We’d love for YOUR name to be here!

Week 4 Results


All fitness levels can participate in the Power-Up Fitness Challenge because you choose your own workouts based on your interests and abilities. The Team includes yogis, walkers/hikers, yard-workers, ping pong players, elliptical enthusiasts and Crossfitters! The goal is consistent, daily activity.

Powering UPwards!

Today kicks off Week 5 of the 6 Week Power-Up Fitness Challenge! Your Week 4 investment will be put into your “bank” if you met the goal or into the “pot”, if not. Your Week 5 investment of 0.5 SBD is due TODAY and will be held for you as incentive to meet your goal. All you need to do is follow-through with YOUR COMMITTMENT to workout 5 days this week.

Complete ANY workout you choose. Now that we’re in the home stretch of this Challenge, let’s go one step further! I challenge you to NO SUGAR this week! I know this is a challenge; it’s supposed to be! Sugar is an inflammatory substance in our bodies. Many of us are insulin resistant and can’t process the sugar properly, so it contributes to fat storage—especially visceral fat surrounding your organs and contributes to disease. So, the goal is NO SUGAR! Choose to commit and comment about it.

What You Need To Do

This goal IS achievable. The key is PLAN and STICK TO YOUR PLAN. We’re also developing character by committing to a goal and following through with what we say we’ll do.

Action Steps:

  • Send your 0.5 SBD to @coachjj TODAY to claim your spot in the Challenge
  • Comment DAILY on THIS post in your own comment thread stating what # workout you’re completing, to keep a running tally of your workouts for the week. For example @andysantics did an excellent job of this in her comment thread:
  • Comment on other challengers threads to offer encouragement and support! @dreemsteem is a CHAMP in this category!

At the end of the week, if you meet the goal your 0.5 SBD goes into YOUR “bank” to be returned to you at the end of the Challenge. If not, it goes into the “Team Pot” to be used as a prize pool for the Most Inspiring “Results” post at the end of the Challenge (as voted on by me).

Let’s Do This

I’m excited to see what we do this week as a Team. TOGETHER we can achieve our goals. I’m committing to add three high intensity workouts AND no sugar this week—this will definitely push me outside my comfort zone. What are YOU planning to achieve?

Hi Friends! Thanks For Reading!


Hi! My name is Coach JJ and I've been coaching and inspiring athletes to better health and fitness for over five years! I'm a CrossFit Level 1 Trainer at CrossFit Edwardsville in Edwardsville, IL, USA. But, my vision is to bring together the Fitness Community on Steemit in order to have a greater impact on improving the health and fitness of our fellow Steemians.

I'm also a mother of two teens and a self-defined “spicy, sassy Christ-follower” who posts about my personal journey, but loves all those on any journey. Feel free to check out my intro post, get inspired on your fitness journey, or ponder on my faith-based posts. If any of this connects with you, follow me and say Hello!

Happy Steeming,
Coach JJ

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Hey Coach WO 1 done - went for a walk in the sunshine today - up hill and down dale :)

Okay, so, I finally send my SBD over.

This week, I am going to change my goal. for this week only - I hope.
I have not been feeling well at all and am adjusting accordingly.

This week, if I get some gentle stretching in at least 5 times a week and some walking, I will be very happy.

WO Mon/Tuesday gentle stretching and some foam roller
WO Wed - so far- 1/2 mi walk - more to come...

That’s a great adjustment! Just keep moving within your limits. Consistency is key!

Just an FYI - Don't vote on a comment unless you know others are going to bring it up to 0.03

any post or comment with less will be rounded down to zero.

Up to you if you want to count it or not. I am fine either way...

I have been doing some movement every day - but not one directed "workout" Mostly walking, gardening, some stretching...

WO 1/5 complete yesterday. 400m run, 20 weighted sit-ups, 10 back squats 125#, 200m run, 10 sit-ups, 5 back squats. 7:58

Workout 2&3/5 complete. Yesterday did 10:00 on assault bike. Later, did rowing intervals for 7:00 and assault bike intervals for 12:00. Then, AMRAP 14: 10 Russian Twists 10#, 10 sit-ups, 100m run. Today’s workout was 20:00 of yoga.

WO 4/5 complete. 20 min of yoga and 3 sets of 5 negative HSPU.

i've done awful this week. i just really hit the wall. emotionally, physically. funny how one week can be so strong, and the next... whistles CRASH.

I can't really salvage this week at this point. I did get out twice, and will be with friends tomorrow and Saturday....but not really "exercise"

I've already decided that @mariannewest and I should encourage one another next week to have a strong week :)

So this week seems to have been a challenge for everyone. Let me encourage you (and all of us) to continue moving forward, even if you can’t hit the goal. The ultimate goal is to create a habit of exercise, you can do that by finishing the week strong. I think it’s an excellent idea for you and @mariannewest to encourage each other/hold each other accountable.

WO 5/5 completed yesterday. With a partner completed a 1,710m Row followed by 100 synchro Burpees over the bar and 100 Deadlifts 115#. Also got my butterfly pull-ups!!

How is @dreemsteem, @mariannewest, @mineopoly doing? @andysantics has her first workout of the week done, just want to make sure we’re all on track. Be devout! I’ve also only received @dreemsteem’s investment this week. You guys with us?

Yes. Will do in just a sec. Busy, busy, busy......

Keeping this post open so I don't forget... Maybe we should add brain exercises? lol

hehehehe come on San Diegan! ;) (i did poorly this week - but let's encourage one another next week!) hehehe

Sounds like a plan :)

This week is weird coach. We all need a kick in the butt. The slump in crypto doesn't help my attitude. I took no sugar in my coffee. A friend came from Germany and brought a ton of candy. Man I want it that sugar. It has been too dirty outside to breath so I walked inside today.

Proud of you for cutting the sugar and walking inside! When adversity arises, it’s a testing ground to see if we’ll rise above. Sometimes we grow, sometimes it identifies a weakness. It’s all about what we do with the opportunity, and it looks like you’re using it for growth! PS. Get the candy out of the house ;)

nice job!!!! you avoided the sugar!!! proud of you!!!!!

This is an impossible challenge. Anyway I'm on my way to my wallet...

no no no!!!! nothing is impossible!! :) just keep going @Mineopoly!!! you can do it hehehhe

Thanks. You are the best.

@mineopoly stay with us here! @dreemsteem is right; nothing is impossible. You are an overcomer, empowered to succeed!

I kept with it and kept the candy and chocolate out of my mouth. This is hard. Because after ping pong the snacks are laying around for teachers. Chocolate bars!!
I played volleyball for two hours Wednesday.
I played an hour and a half of ping pong Thursday.

Thank you coach.

I was off on Sunday - I didn't want to be - but I forgot my shoes when we went down the mountain and I couldn't walk in my heels. LOLOLOL
and then yesterday... i'm not even going to tell you how many hours I spent trying to get WW worked on ... hehehehe

bad bad bad.
this week is officially shot. I'm in the car until midnight tonight. tomorrow and saturday i might get out for a bit - but i don't know how much exercise ill get done.

next week - final week - my hope is to come out swinging! :)