Fitness Fail Day - Accepting the Trade-offs We Make

in #fitness7 years ago

So today was a reminder that yes, you do need to take care of yourself or good luck performing at your best. I guess that's part of my reminder that I'm 30 now. Today's gym time was... not good. I should have known it was not going to go well when I somehow put two contacts in one eye without realizing it, and then spent 10 minutes trying to figure out what the hell was up with my vision. Left the house late, trains took extra time this morning, workout started 30 min later than I would have wanted it to. Didn't make my progression on squats (3 out of 5 reps). Was running late so only did one round of abs (at a higher weight than usual though, so that's at least progress). Make it through two sets of Romanian Deadlifts before I decided I wasn't feeling well and called it quits. Got treated to a luke-warm shower for my efforts (where is my extra $10 a month this year going????). What's worse is I'm not sure I'll hit any of my progressions this week outside of Deadlift on Thursday.

None of this should be a surprise though and I certainly can't be more than a little frustrated with it, I had a fantastic weekend. Epic rave Friday night followed by amazing 1920's prohibition party that had open-close electroswing in the basement all night! Electroswing for those who aren't familiar is swing melodies played with house basslines. It's an amazing modern fusion of great genres of music and I seriously don't know anyone who can honestly tell me they don't have fun with it. We also just happen to have two of the best electroswing DJs in the business here in NYC, Faith in the Glitch and Rich Green, so having them tag team all night was just incredible. This also meant back to back nights going to bed at 6am and I was on-call this weekend for work, so I had to be semi-conscious at 9am both mornings. I may have slept a total of 8-9 hours this weekend.

So while it may suck that my progress is held up a week, it's a reminder that we only have 100% to give and sometimes that means not being able to give what we want to one facet of our lives so that we can enjoy another. I have fitness goals, but like I said in my original post on the matter, they are probably like 6th on my priority list. Making time to have amazing experiences with friends comes in way higher. Also, because of the risk of injury if I try to push myself too much at the gym, I made the smart choice to accept my limitations for this session. The gym will be there tomorrow, missing a session or a week is a lot less harmful than missing a month because I pulled something. Sure you can push yourself to give 110% for spurts, but that isn't free either. You will need to recover from that, whether that's by choice and resting or by eventually injuring yourself and being forced to stop. I wouldn't say life lesson learned here, just a reminder that leading a full and diverse life means trade-offs. Having a sense of who you are and what you want to achieve is so important because it will determine how you make those trade-offs. If you ever feel like some part of your life is dragging, make time to have a meeting with yourself and really evaluate what your priorities are and what you want to achieve. If everything still comes up the same then it may just be a limitation you need to accept.

Today's Sets

Squat - 10x135, 5x175, 5x205, 5x245, 3x280
Russian Twist - 24x45#
Bird-dog - 30
V-Up 15x45#
RM Deadlift 5x135, 5x185

Total - 107

Sounds of the Weekend


You made it to the gym, and that's what counts because overall you are dedicated to it and make the effort to keep up with going - every little helps and as you say pushing to hard when you are not up to it could take you out of it completely with injury. Loving that ElectroSwing beats video - it's awesome!

As they say, showing up is half the battle. All we can do is just see if we can do better tomorrow! The important part is keeping the routine.

Glad you enjoyed the music! You ever need good dance music I got you.

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I like that squat progression

Thanks! If you're interested in the program I'm going you can check it out here

I love this real post about fitness life, instead of just all unrealistic motivational stuff. This is REAL. You will have days like this in the gym and that's ok.

I love what you said:

I wouldn't say life lesson learned here, just a reminder that leading a full and diverse life means trade-offs.

REAL. There's more to life. Thank you for highlighting this.

Also, I've never heard of electroswing, but I played the link and, you're right, it IS super-cool! So, do people swing dance to this?

Thanks, that's totally the point of my fitness blogging. I bought myself 5 training sessions when I first starting working out and I told my trainer on day one, I'm not here for SWOLE GAINZ or whatever. I just want to be stronger. He mentioned I should totally do Paleo and I was just like I'm going to go eat all the gluten when I get home just because you suggested that.

I'm serious about what I do and I have done tons of research on it. But I have a life and I want to enjoy everything that it offers. A lot of blogs give lip service to the fact that not every day in the gym is going to be perfect, but a lot of them seem to like to pretend they are machines and that you'll only get results if you put in the same level of intensity that they do.

Electroswing is beautiful in that you can do almost anything. I personally shuffle-step, but you can swing dance, grind, break dance, spaz about somewhat rhythmically, whatever your thing is you can do it!

So true @cygon. We only have so much energy and must figure out our priorities.

This is so relatable. Everyone has these days! It’s so important to realize when self-care is what’s up and more important. :) I love that you’re able to capture a feeling we’ve all had. Thanks for sharing, and electroswing sounds rad.

Right, can't win every day, some days we just have to hold course and move on. There's always tomorrow to try again!

Electroswing is a lot of fun, I think i'm going to have to include the sounds of the weekend on my posts from now so you guys can discover all the amazing stuff the underground dance scene has to offer.

I'm serious about what I do and I have done tons of research on it. But I have a life and I want to enjoy everything that it offers

Thank @cygon As I have gotten older I totally identify with you here. For me LIfe is too short to try to get to 3% body fat and work out in the gym 6 days a week.

Why would I want to get so damn cut and strict and have to sacrifice wine, women, and song (and food as well ) lol

Anyway, when I was in college I really got into Powerlifting. Always loved the Deadlift. I did two Reps for 430 lbs. Bench was always weak like 2 Reps with 225. And Squat I never really maxed out but was doing 365 lbs for couple of Reps.

Thanks for this Post and really a nice blend of two different genres in that electro-swing music at end

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Hey @cygon! You've a great attitude! Good for you for pushing through the obsticles of your morning/ weekend and for showing up for your workout like @c0ff33a mentions too! Some days your best is different than other days.

The electroswing is super groovy! Love it. Never heard of it before.

I am a member of the #asapers stopping by to support your efforts! Hope to see you around 😊

Such great points, I totally agree. "leading a full and diverse life means trade-offs" - I loved that. After a couple of good nights of sleep you'll be back on the horse, I know it! With a bunch of awesome memories from a badass weekend. Totally worth a less-than-ideal gym day from time to time! Keep up the great work!