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RE: Tips on How to Get a Smaller Waist

in #fitness8 years ago (edited)

I like your moves for keeping a smaller waste. 😏
(Diet has got to be the make or break factor though.... Why!!!!? LOL)

I find these moves to be awesome for overall core and hip strength.
Always been favorites of mine and right on you, for sharing.

How many hanging leg lifts can you do before dropping down from the bar? 😋


hahaha i can probably do about 12 or 13 before feeling like i am going to die!

Thats really good that you can do that many before you feel discomfort, aka dying😫😫😫
lol 😂

I'm guessing you could double the number if you went for total failure...🤔😏😎

Stay awesome and steem on 🐳 Fitgirl!

Hahaha thank you for the support!! 🤗❤