5 Fun Facts About @enginewitty

in #fivefacts7 years ago (edited)

5 Fun Facts

I'm not entirely sure where this came from or who started it, but I have been nominated by @saffisara in this post - 5 Fun Facts About Saffisara 💖. She's one of our fearless leaders of the @syndicates. Some of you may or may not know about some of the information about to be divluged, but either way, my participation is here to support the initiative. Neat way to get to know people. So here we go!

#1 - I Have a Pet Snake

His name is Arbok. Yes @gniksivart, I stole it from Pokemon. LOL He is a 4 foot long ball python. I actually inherited him through the cruelty placed upon him by a negligent teenager. He was paltry one foot long scavenger eating frozen pinks until I weened him from that nonsense and got him started on live mice. Now he can easily devour a live rat or hamster, probably a kitten or puppy too, in a matter of minutes. Was my pleasure to nurture the guy. He is about to shed, that's why his eyes are a little cloudy and you can even see some spots where it's starting to peel up on his body.

#2 - I Have 3 Daughters

They are my princesses. I'm sure you've seen me posting pictures of them, but it's a fun fact I like to share. I don't quite think (unless they have already had a similar experience) people realize just how much different raising girls is from boys. It's MUCH more difficult. Granted, they are quieter, except when they're excited or upset. The shrill scream of an injured girl is as piecing on the ears as a hot razor is to a scoop of ice cream. And don't get me started on the whining... How do I know? Read the next fun fact.

#3 - I've Already Raised 2 Boys

As circumstance would have it, I was a relatively young father at 19. I was with my ex for about 3 years before we got divorced and I was their rock until it was time for them to leave the nest. Single fatherhood was not easy. Being a 'boy' myself, it seemed like much less of a hassle putting up with these two than the girls. And my girls are even tom-boys!

#4 - I Speak Many Languages

Especially body language. This was for a skit we did before our Homecoming while I was in high school. I just couldn't resist those juicy lips my friend Jake was sporting...man I miss him. Bwahahahahaha!

#5 - I've Always Been a P.I.M.P.

@shadowspub may be pimping your posts, but I know the game. Before 50 Cent bit my copy-written style, I used to roll with Snoop Dogg, Katt Williams and Too Short. I taught them about the ways of the P.I.M.P. before moving on and teaching Kung-Fu to the Wu-Tang Clan. They got mad at 50 for stealing my material so hit him up with precisely aimed shots as to not kill him. 8 original members, 8 shots. New York is and always will be X40L1N. Bitch. Bwaha!


So now you know me a little better. I'm not sure on the rules but in the Captain's post, she nominated 3 people so I'm going to do the same. My first nomination for 5 Fun Facts goes to @goldenarms. I imagine he'll have something to say that'll crack me up. Second, I've been seeing this new ally, @c0ff33a, all over the place, so I imagine he'll put up a good post in response. Finally, I want to put another of our syndicate leaders on the mantle, that being @leyargoz. She does fantastic posts filled with amazing photography, but rarely posts anything about herself. I'm curious what she has to share with us. Toodloo peeplz!


allied witnesses.png


I don't know were the idea came from eather only that Emilia nominated me 😉 lol
This was really fun to read and I am not a snake lover but they are beautiful creatures and the name cracked me up.. Lol
Just hope he stays at the mice and don't chase the cat 🐈🐍 😲 lol
And your princesses are just the cutest ever and their smiles just makes me smile.. Lol
You are the pimp.... Lmao 😁
Well written and fun to get to know you better.
A pleasure reading it 🤘

It's a neat little thing to participate in :) Thanks for the invite Sass. I hope it gets spread around #thealliance some more so we can learn a little more about each other :P

Yes I thought it was a great way also to get to know each other and I do hope more people are follows and does this to 😉
Love the video 50 cent is Awsome!

See what I'm talking about though? I was sporting all white suits before he was even outta diapers.

Yes I hear you and understand what your saying!

As the esteemed leader of @syndicates team Gamma, X40L1N I could not resist 100% upvoting and also resteeming this post 😜 Thank you very Kindly for tagging me in, I think this post will be a tough one to top though! Love the colourful tie, you have a wonderful family but you can keep the snake all to yourself.

LOL they are an acquired taste, like sardines or pickled eggs. Look forward to your post buddy. The tie...lol those outfits were picked by our nominees for homecoming Queen. LOL

Dude this was so awesome ! I’m so glad I got to see this man :) you’re literally one of the coolest most genuine mofos I’ve met here and I’m happy to call you a friend <3 we have so much in common it’s not even funny 😄

Right on bro! Glad you stopped in and got to partake of my present and history. Still mad at 50 Cent. LMAO

Nice post @enginewitty, the World will be boring without people like you.
#thealliance is proud to have a weirdo as a leader. Haha.
How do you ensure Arbok doesn't come close to your little daughter?

They actually took turns passing him around tonight. Most of the time, he is in his house. Have an aquarium he rests in :) And thank you :P

Lol, that means they are Weird like you.
That's cool.😀

No fear. Try to breed that into all my offspring :D

I will like to be weird like you, with snakes.
I love them but scared to get close to them🙈

Believe it or not, they're actually more scared of you ;)

This is persuasive, lol. I may give it a try someday.😀

Yay! I've found this! I know way more about you than I did before. Look at all those beautiful kids! Happy to have met you here. Looking forward to more of your personal shares. ✌🏼

Thanks hun, they are quite the handful lemme tell ya.

The photo of your boys is very funny and your daughters are so beautiful and sweet. It's good to know a little more about you:)
I will try to do my post, hahaha I will go crazy with this:D

Awesome, look forward to hearing/reading about you and your life!

Those girls tho 😘😘😘

Your boys are handsome too

Greta job raising the kids but yes my ears are already deaf from hearing my babes screeching, yelling, shouting 😅

Ha ha thank you sweets. It really does hurt the ears right?

The picture with your friend is just funny! I would like to carry a snake sometime, just curious, have never seen one in real life.
About your childrens, is good to know how good father have u been, I guess you just feel proud everyday you think about the hard work u did.

I'd like to think I did a good job on the boys, have yet to see how the girls gonna turn out :)

Don't tread on that bad boy! Nice fun facts bro

He he, came out pretty quick. What took the longest was finding the pix!

Omg !! A pet snake !! You seem to be a dangerous person !!! Lol


Eh, some days lol!