
It can be bloody if you have hemeroid problems.

Random Fact:

Did you know that diarrhea is hereditary?

It runs in your genes.

To have a good bowel movement each day have honey and black seed first thing in the morning

Good to see you're moving forward and have got the whole situation about he who shall not be named out of your system. Remember to keep up your fiber intake so it continues passing through.

Yeah..That's a good information..
SO after the meal,Some walk must be available for this,,

Lol, I wasn't really expecting anything normal when I saw this post but it's content still caught me unaware.

Some people like haejin, have a reversed tract. Explains why only shit comes out of their mouth.

Shit Post Award.jpg


+nobody fucks around with Steemilla!

She´s like Godzilla only worse

it's so important for all

Well shit....i learnt something new today....