Flaming Helpers Weekly Bible Quiz Hangout Report #2.
Welcome to Flaming Helpers Show/Hangout Report. This is Bible Quiz Hangout Report for Monday Night 7:00pm GMT +1.This is a Weekly Hangout and you can join us next Monday on our discord server in the let's hangout channel. See you there.
Reminder: The Bible Quiz Hangout holds every Monday at our discord server above above by 7pm GMT +1.
The Quiz is aimed at enouraging people to study their Bible and also acquaint themselves to reading the scripture as it is a medium in which God commune with his people and He desire to communicate with us through the Words.
The Competition is not just to give money/gifts but you help create relationships with your God by studying the Book of the Bible hinted to all the participants at the end of every show by the host @djoi to help them understand what the questions will look like in the next show. Join us next Monday.

This Week Quiz was taking from the book of Proverbs.
There was five participants in the contest @ifeoluwa88, @imbigdee, @itoroarchibong @meebee @emekasegun.
The rule states that anybody who can pick the correct answer first within 10sec emerge the winner when the score is gathered after 10 rounds of question.
Below are the Questions and Answers.
QUESTION 1: How many chapters does the book of Proverbs have?
A. 14
B. 31
C. 43
Answer is B
QUESTION 2: Who wrote the book of Proverbs?
A. David
B. Samuel
C. Solomon
Answer is C
QUESTION 3: The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water, he turneth it wither-soever he will can be found in which chapter
A. 35
B. 21
C. 16
Answer is B
QUESTION 4: The first 9 chapters of Proverbs contains advice for?
A. Youths
B. Elderly
C. Husbands and wives
Answer is A
QUESTION 5: In Proverbs, a man that captures a city is worthless if he can't control his?
A. Family
B. Workers
C. Himself
The answer is A
QUESTION 6: To keep our soul from trouble, we should not?
A. Drink
B. Fight
C. Speak
The answer is C
QUESTION 7: Chapter 30 is written by who?
A. Agur
B. Ezra
C. David
The answer is A
QUESTION 8: Agood na,e is rather to be chosen than great riches can be found in what chapter?
A. 22
B. 10
C. 32
The answer is A
QUESTION 9: Who was the King that was given advice by his mother?
A. King Saul
B. King Lemuel
C. King Josiah
The answer is B
QUESTION 10: What is the last word in Proverbs?
A. Wisdom
B. Understanding
C. Gates
The answer is C
Amazingly, there was a tie between @imbigdee & @meedee, but @imbigdee being a gentleman willingly gave the position to @meedee
The final score was:
@ifeoluwa88 ... 5
@itoroarchbong... 3
@meebee ... 1
@imbigdee ... 1
The Final Result
1st position : Ifeoluwa88
2nd position : Itoroarchbong
3rd position: Meedee
This Week Quiz was full of fun and awesome. Join us next Monday for another exciting one. Don't forget to join us today for our curation show. Bring your steemit and Whaleshares post all at ones.
Thanks for taking your time to read. We invite to join our quiz on our discord server discord as we have a lot of programme to help you grow spiritually.
God bless you.
Come, Play, Learn and Earn.
Time: 7:00 pm GMT+1
Venue: Flaminghelpers’ Discord Server
I, we, will be expecting you.
Be here.
Written by @ammy for the community.