How Much Do You Know? (Quiz Night!!!)

How much do you know?

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The phrase, 'knowledge is power' is taken to be a cliche, but it carries so much truth within it that determines how far or fast one may go in an endeavour or a journey. The more you know, the better you should be in that line of knowledge. A teacher is qualified to be a teacher because he or she knows more than the students, and that gives him or her the edge, power and opportunity to be in charge in the classroom.

Also, the students who study hard and right will, in a fair and ideal situation, excel above their peers who didn't.

So the phrase, 'knowledge is power', is more than a cliche, it is actually a law, a law of cause and effect. Like the Bible says in Galatians 6:7, 'Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.'

You can only give what you have, you can only reap what you sow, you can't plant maize and reap potatoes, that which you have within you, that which you know is what will aid you when the storm rages.

So imagine that life is a classroom, what have you studied? What do you know that would help you pass the examinations of life? How much do you know about the manual of our lives, the Bible?

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Well, let's find out how much we know, let's test ourselves every Thursday by 7:00 pm GMT+1 on our Discord Channel.

The Bible says in 2Timothy 2:15, that we should 'Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.'

Today's quiz will be the official first, and you sure don't want to miss it. So join us today and every Thursday on our Discord Server by 7:00 pm GMT+1 and let's ask ourselves Bible questions.

There will be rewards but come with a mindset to learn and have fun in the process.

So I ask again, how much do you know? Come let's find out!

See you there! Come prepared.

Join Here.

Written by @Djoi for the community