Speak To Yourself.

There is a constant infilling of God's Spirit that you ought to be experiencing everyday of your life knowing that they that worship God must worship God in "Spirit and in Truth."
God says, "be filled with the Spirit" meaning it's your responsibility to be filled. He also lets you know how to do it - He says, "Speaking to yourselves," this doesn't mean speaking to one another in conversation or praising but it means I am talking to myself and you are talking to yourself; in other words, I am talking to me and you are talking to you, is that wonderful, Hallelujah.

Picture Ref: stevenmosoes.vornix.blog
How important words are in the kingdom of God! God wants you to always speak to yourself in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. That's another way of telling you to speak His word always.
Speak the word, every second, every minute and every hour of the day if possible because this is what this passage is trying to communicate to us. The word of God is the very key to everything in this world.
God made this world with these words, the word of God in our mouth has the ability to create anything you want into existence. The same way God create Heaven, Earth, firmament, animals, etc.

Picture Ref: Pixabay & stevenmosoes.vornix.blog
However, as you speak the word, you are constantly being filled with the Spirit, and when you are filled with the Spirit, it becomes impossible for you to despair, be frustrated or despondent in life. You will become bold and unstoppable in everything.
Desire boldness today, speak the word.
But do you know that you can actually quench the power of God's Spirit in your life by speaking negatively? YES you can! When you say things like,
- Life is so hard
- Things are so bad
- I don't know what's happening to me
- I am so frustrated
- I am confused
- I don't have anybody to help me...
These words have the potential or capacity to quench the Spirit of God inside of you.
Rather than talk yourself down, there is something good you can say to you! You can begin by speaking to yourself in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. You can also sing and make melody in your heart to the Lord.
Don't talk your frustrations; you are the king's kid. The Bible says, "count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations" (James 1:2) because you are more than a conqueror.
Never talk failure; talk only success and it will be impossible for you to go down!

Picture Ref: Pixabay & stevenmosoes.vornix.blog
Thank you for reading and I pray God give you the right interpretation as the writer has put it down. God bless you. Have a blossom day ahead. I speak to your day, you life will experience ever present increase for your light has come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you... Amen
I remain Omowunmi.
Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://stevenmosoes.vornix.blog/2018/06/23/speak-to-yourself/