We Judge All the Time, Sometimes a Little Too Often than We Have TosteemCreated with Sketch.

in #flaminghelpers5 years ago
"I dream’t of heaven the other night, and the pearly gate swung wide. And an angel with a halo bright ushered me inside. And there to my astonishment stood folks I’d judged and labeled As quite “unfit, of little worth,” and spiritually unable. Indignant words rose to my lips but never were set free. For every face showed stunned surprise: No one expected me!"

Source: Pixabay

I came across this beautiful piece just today! Lately, I've been thinking quite a lot about forgiveness and judgement. And this poem speaks a lot and is something worthy of our reflections. Though the poem alone will suffice, I am enticed to write some quick words about the topic.

The word "judgement" is usually defined as the ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions. As human beings, we do make judgement almost all the time, sometimes a little to often than we have to. As Christians, we have what we call the "righteous judgement", and we are admonished to judge rightly using the Bible to weigh things very carefully.

Source: Pixabay

There are also quite a lot of people who will say that we should not be judging other people. And it's true that in the Bible we can read a lot of verses that talks about not judging other people. This can get very confusing for some when we read about not judging and at the same time we are told to discern what is right and to judge what is right.

Most people will reason out that we can't judge because our God, is a God of love. One thing that most people miss out, is that God is also a Just God. He chastises those whom He considers His children. There's always two sides to every story. One end will say, we can't judge, and we shouldn't judge. The other end can be too critical, or even too judgemental. But when it comes to judgement, I hope we will not settle at the both ends of the stick. It's always good to have everything in balance.

And always remember, Matthew 7:1-2
"Do not judge, or you too will be judged.
For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged,
and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

Source: Pixabay

Lastly, I hope to see each one of you at the gates of heaven.
So let us all be really careful and conscious about the things that we do.
And I hope that when the time comes, we will not be the one saying:
No one expected me!

Thanks for reading.