
Did you read the tags? flatearth meme picture funny.
You belong in #globecuck #curvert #ball-addict or #suckmynuts.

I assumed you're still in character, that is to say, in troll-mode:

The sun does rotations over our disk
This tells me you haven't looked one bit into FE. No true flattie thinks of FE as a disc. Here's a helping hand:

I'm planning a sailing trip across the Pacific Ocean one year soon. If that goes well I might just sail down to the ice wall and see if I can find a way out of here?

Again, this tells me you're just trolling, for you don't seem to be aware of the fact that an undertaking like this is virtually undoable. One guy has compiled all the insurmountable obstacles to explore Antarctica independently. It's a brandnew vid, may I urge you to watch it to have a better understanding:

Lastly, and again, please explain how your sun motion is the one single thing that would explain all other inconsistencies / anomalies / impossibilities of the heliocentric model or how it is the "final nail in the coffin" that debunks FE.

I only asked for simple information on observable things. sun or moon so you take me to Antarctica? or rather the no entry sign. How can I learn from that?
if nobody has figured out how far the sun travels in a day or how fast it moves that is fine, no shame in not knowing something.
I don't smoke NASA's dope either, I'm trying to grow my own. While you have done zero research and only picked up the next pipe in line, puffing away in perfect bliss but can't answer a simple question?
Maybe ask your mentor and get back to me.
We probably have way more in common than not in the long run, but throwing a tantrum over a speed and distance question is very childish and not helping your cause at all.

Answer to your question: I don't know. I haven't done the measurement. I might send you a link to some other people's work, but then I'd have to face another ad hominem from you just for trying to help out.

Explanation why I sent you the Antarctica vid:
You wrote:
I'm planning a sailing trip across the Pacific Ocean one year soon. If that goes well I might just sail down to the ice wall and see if I can find a way out of here?
My understanding was that you was referring to Antarctica when you said 'ice wall'. I was trying to show you how it's virtually undoable to go anywhere near out there. But judging from your reaction, maybe you meant another ice wall. Everything is possible when smoking too much kush. So I apologize for hurting your feelings.

Have a good day & good luck with your globe-minded endeavours.

That was worth a vote, Thanks.
The only reason I would sail South of 60 would be an adventure, not that far but the cold would bother me.
I've been a sky watcher all my life and I can measure things I see. but talking about Antarctica is not worth my time unless I can go myself. Again I'll say I don't believe anything a Government organization says. It would appear they are in/on Antarctica but I will never know what they do there or why, So why trouble myself with it? Same with space, I'll never go so why concern myself?
If people have or have not gone to space is of no concern to me, nor do I care if Earth is flat or round only that it works and I'm free to explore all the wonders it has to offer.
When I see a wall I go through, over or under, and it might be real or imagined but I put it behind me.
I have very few left to overcome, So the South sea wall you speak of tweaks my curiosity. What do you imagine is past it? Maybe I'll just sail along it till I eventually get back to where I started.
Looking forward to your new material :-)

That's more like it! The friendly waters of voting each other up. Funny how long a thread a meme can produce =)

I imagine that there is more land / other continents. Look up NorbzWorld's model for instance.

Btw, FE is not about shape, it's about the obvious fact that we've been lied to & how we gonna deal with it. If you wanna take your time:

And put me on your crew list, mkay?

I just watched these last night, lots of insights to why Antarctica is a no-go zone for most. 2 months old and still no part 3 posted? what do you think?
Are you sure you want a crew position on what is likely a one-way trip? LOL
part 1 of 3
part 2 of 3

Whoa, these are long watches... will take my time sometime.

No worries on the one way trip, reckon the realm that awaits us is worthwhile.