Flat Earth? Duh!

in #flatearth7 years ago (edited)

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Great article and I loved the video of the high altitude jump!

Someone pointed out that the camera may have distorted the horizon, but I expect he could see the curve. I think this argument was resolved long ago, but people keep pushing it. I'm ignoring them now

Had no idea that a lot of people belive in it untill a few weeks ago my husbannd came home from work and surprised me with this information (they discussed that while having coffe-break). OK, we have a lot of people who belive in horoscopes, why not flat Earth fter this...

I think it's partly about thinking you have secret knowledge. Sometime there is no conspiracy. There seems to be increasing distrust of science by people who don't understand how it works.

I always want to think that it stayed in Middle Ages, but then I go outside and BOOM!!!:)

I have stopped to read anything about that. I found it amazing at the beginning that some where still considering Earth being flat in the 21st century. Now I am bored by this conspiracy theory :)

In any case, nice post! :)

People want to believe there's some secret knowledge and that they have cracked it. There are plenty of secrets, but this is not one of them.

Too much a fan of expanding earth to be a flat earther myself.

Kidding aside: a flat earther will point out that Baumgärtner never got high enough for the curvature to be noticeable, clearly, what we see is the effect of a fisheye lens (otherwise, the picture at 1:14 could be evidence for concave earth). It looks flat enough through the hatch at :47. So this sort of "evidence" looks just as contrived to the "other side" of the fence as the spirit level experiment does to "ours".

Are we making such posts just to mock the others and jerk a circle? That's good for group coherence, "ours" and "theirs". And truly easy.

If we try to debunk them, however, to persuade those still on the fence, or even enlighten those who are lost in the "rabbit hole", I suggest we do so honestly, each claim of evidence after another, even if it requires much greater effort, such as jumping into the labyrinth ourselves, and even if it means danger to our own worldview if we find that not all claims of evidence are as far-fetched as the spirit level experiment, and some may get us scratching our heads.

Personally, I think there are flatearthers who truly believe when they watch and make these YouTube videos, and others perform a very valuable role: that of a Socratic troll. It has become too usual to just lazily accept our received wisdom, instead of questioning it every now and then. And clearly, especially flatearthers have found a vulnerable spot, as the unprecedented amount of pieces on their obvious stupidity and gullibility shows.

If all we can react with is ridicule and arguments that they have already "debunked", we only prove how brittle our world view really is.

I just cannot take them seriously. This is an argument that was settled hundreds of years ago. It's just contrary to doubt so much science. Who would really gain from lying about it?

Who would really gain from lying about it?

[flatearther]The satanic powers that be, who else? The globe in every class room is the first step in conditioning the children's mind to the dogma that they are not special or important to a loving deity, and merely random emanations of chaos on a speck of dust circling a useless star destined to burn out in just a few billion years. Would they be as good as slaves to the machine if they grew up knowing that their thoughts and deeds matter, that each of them is the center of their own universe, if they had a grasp of the true nature of the world surrounding them? Just watch the "Truman Show" to understand how pervasive the implications are![/flatearther]

It's just contrary to doubt so much science.

I don't disagree, but maybe that's not even necessarily a bad thing in a time and age where "science" (or what is sold as such) is [ab]used to legitimize all sorts of ideologies and political actions. Personally, I greatly appreciate the insights into science I gained from scrutinizing flat earth claims and trying to debunk them with the same intellectual honesty Richard Feynman advocates.

This is an argument that was settled hundreds of years ago.

Historically, that doesn't mean much... ;)

I just cannot take them seriously.

It's not always easy, that is true :)

I don't think it's secret satanic powers we need to worry about.

Flatearthists became so annoying after a while. We had fun together, we laughed a your funny and strange theories but it's time to stop. The joke is over.

They should dedicate their energy to real problems

Gravity is only a theory. I have the fortunate experience of having flown in the stratosphere via UAV. I believe that we should question everything. If we didn't question everything, the earth would still be considered flat today. Besides we have to discern the difference between those that will lead and those that will serve lol.

It's a good theory as it explains a lot. What does 'only a theory' mean anyway, in a scientific context? Scientists question things all the time and have to accept when they are proven wrong.

in scientific terms theory is an explanation of something unexplained. Law is a statement of an observed scientific phenomenon. In scientific terms, NEwtons law of gravity is still a theory and unproven.

You're confusing hypothesis with a theory. A theory is an ex-hypothesis that has been rigorously tested and proven. A theory is as good as it gets in science.

Hypothesis is an explanation that is unproven. So you should say "only a hypothesis".

Either way, there's overwhelming evidence for General Relativity, that is what you'd call a theory.

I'm not confusing anything with anything. You still forgot law vs theory. Overwhelming Evidence is still unproven. Remember that historically, the prevailing science of the day always advances when we continue to question and study. Very few things are scientifically absolute, gravity is one of those.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not disputing anything. I'm offering factual statements. Although unproven, I do know that when I jumped out of my plane, I plummeted toward earth until deploying my parachute.

Pancakes are kind of flat.

I want to live on a doughnut

A more valid argument.

I live in the lands of Galileo Galilei, so I read about the "flat" theory smiling ^_^
Ps: I love the first image, it's the Discworld of Pratchett <3

I'm a bit Pratchett fan. He revelled in the ridiculous

I'm a bit Pratchett fan too, but my hubby is really a great fan :D

For a long time now I thought the flat earthers were some kind of psy ops experiment. I think "they" whoever "they may be" is trying to figure out how gullible the public is, and how much of the public they can sway on an issue like this. Think about it for a second, if you can convince a seemingly intelligent person the earth is flat, against all scientific fact, and contrary to popular belief. Then you can convince that same person of probably just about anything. I tell you now, it's a conspiracy!

I honestly believe this is how it started, but now the people they convinced are out there convincing others and making the group even larger. Maybe some day whoever started it will come out and prove your hypothesis correct lol

LOL, psy ops grown out of control. Operation flat earth has taken on a life of its own. You may have just nailed it @brianm4

When you don't know what to believe you could believe anything. Let's concentrate on facts and real evidence. Plus we need to watch those in power. They always slip up.

It would be hysterical to catch them in the act on something like this. Could you imagine the headlines, "NSA Trolls Try To Convince Society The Earth Is Flat". LMAO, nothing would surprise me nowadays.