RE: ADSactly Folklore - Venezuelan indigenous poetry
Español: Yanomami de amazonas en puerto ayacucho los he visto, también en Amazonas hay varias comunidades indígenas, a mi mama le encargaron una niña de 10 años para que la pusiera a estudiar ella es muy inteligente y ya aprendió español sus padres naturales siempre vienen a visitarla y la llaman ya tiene más de 3 años con mi mama. Una anécdota es que la trajimos a Puerto la cruz donde hay playa y se asustó al principio porque solo había visto rios su cara de asombro fue inmensa ....
English: Yanomami of amazonas in puerto ayacucho I have seen them, also in Amazonas there are several indigenous communities, my mother was commissioned by a 10 years old girl to put her to study she is very intelligent and already learned Spanish her natural parents always come to visit her and Call her she's already more than 3 years old with my mom. An anecdote is that we brought her to Puerto la Cruz where there is a beach and she was frightened at first because she had only seen rivers. Her face was astonished.
That's pretty inspiring
Thank you for your comment. I lived an experience similar to the one you narrate. The astonishment of some people make us look again at the things that we have in our environment and that perhaps we do not appreciate. Greetings