
WOW! What a "surprise, surprise" for ME! :) This was totally unexpected. In fact, I was thinking my interview might end up being controversial when I submitted the answers to @stellabelle. Lol.

I was going to resteem this for her as well, but now I'm worried it might make me look self-serving and conceited. Lol! But, oh well...I'll do it anyway.

Thank you so very, VERY much for this big surprise of support. Really, I'm just pleasantly shocked and don't know what else to say.

Thanks for the donations, @stellabelle and @benjojo, and to everyone who has upvoted this post, commented, and/or resteemed. we go...resteeming this to 10,000+ followers. :)

Thank you, lady for resteeming my "miracle votes post" when I needed it. I sent some SBD as my way of saying thank you. Without your help, I would not be famous and short of paying for my hospitalization and recovery but only paying for surgery.

Oh! Thank you! Well, I'm just very glad you were able to have enough to cover everything. I know from my mother's own hospitalization from a stroke how expensive proper medical care is. It's not as expensive as people in the USA have to pay, but Phil Health is all we have for insurance, and it doesn't cover enough.

God bless you and it's been great to see you smiling in your photos! :)


You deserve some upvotes for your crusade for the minnows :)

God bless you both :)

By the way I didn't see this interview, but I stumbled upon you on today and started my own investigation. I've seen you around in comments before, but I didn't know anything. I didn't interview you and I'm glad to see that @stellabelle did as it answers many of my burning questions.

By the end of my investigation I kind of came to the conclusion you might be a marketing genius. ;)

I could also see that your mind worked very different from mine, but not in a bad way at all.

Anyway, I respect and admire what you are doing quite a bit. I think you may be a trend setter for a totally different way to interact with the steem blockchain. Impressive.

Super interview! Actually @stellabelle, I may be one of those who know of the existence of Joan already; Joan already passed by one of my posts some week or more ago. Suddenly I was seeing the vote count flying up!

Joan, I really appreciate the way you are looking at Steemit and what you trying to do for the community. With your follow base I suppose you are the perfect marketing tool for any newbie on the platform. And we have so many of them gained last month or so, they for sure can use some support.

It's a quiet version of dragonslayer109 old post.

I really like you very much so honest and open, why cant all the people here do the same it is such a lovely platform to be on as you get rid of some of the frustrations you never talk about to your family thank you to stellabelle for showing us this fantastic ladly.

... hypocrisy is the only characteristic that let you be always open. Can you fight the devil being honest and open? you cannot my dear. Some of us are warriors.

Very true thanks for replying.

Onward Christain💖 TY for the Newbee follow. Honored! Blessed to pioneer future of peer-to-peer decentralized blockchain technology.

Hey , you're great! Keep doing what you're doing !

Thanks, @kingmotan. Funny, because I just ate some Nutella about 15 minutes ago, and seeing it as your profile pic made me laugh. :)

A spoon of nutella a day keeps the doctor away ;)

2 spoons are too much man

ahahha sure... because nothing will be left for you, right??

I was going to insist that you resteem this! You wouldn't have a choice in the matter!

Lol. I did want some of my followers to know where I stand about some things, so I was really excited about the interview itself. If people could just see what Steemit is really about, and then embrace the broader vision of what it can and will become, I believe it would end a lot of the problems here...or at least lessen them.

Too many people are rushing in to just grab as much cash as possible, using whatever means possible, even to the detriment of others. That kind of mentality is just so rude and far outside of the vision we have all shared before this onslaught began.

And you're right about rewarding the right people. If we don't reward the people who truly care about this community, the members will be getting together for SpamFest instead of SteemFest, because the spammers will be the majority.

@stellabelle and @joanaltres

You both are the type of women we need more in this world to make it a better place and i am beginning to imagine if you both goes into politics the masses will benefit more. I don't want to think i am wrong in my assumption.

Reading this interview change my views of this platform, got me motivated and inspired and also challenge my lazy self to get up of my slumber and see the great works females are doing.

@joanaltres you deserve more than donations from this post and you are a good example of the adage that says "do what to others what you want others to do to you"

@stellabelle thanks for reaching out to her and sharing this for us all to learn.

You might be controversial, but it seems you have thought things through and come to your own conclusions. That's more most and fine by me...Congrats on all this. Cheers

This is so awesome :) thanks @stellabelle for sending this to me. Very cool interview. I've heard of the woman that has over 10,000 followers but never knew who it was. I love the super blunt and straight to the point answers. I'll definitely restreem and spread some love :) it would be my pleasure! Great job @joanaltres!

Thanks, @joeyrocketfilms, and thank you so much for the gift! That's very kind of you and I truly value it. :)

No biggie at all. It's just your generosity coming full circle :) thanks for all you do 👊🏼

Grabe ka daghan s followers :). Giunsa mani nimo :)

I'm always surprised at how many unique and wonderful people are to be found on this platform. I do hope an ever great sense of community is possible in the future. Since you don't write, I'm glad someone else went out of their way to do this. Thanks @stellabelle

I haven't heard of Christian anarchism but it makes sense. I know Buddhists who say something similar. I think many religion at their core are anarchist in nature but usuallyarent recognized as such.

Thanks @joanaltres for your vision and witness! Very inspiring! :-)

@joanaltres, good work and I hope the best for you. @stellabelle, thanks for sharing. It is great to escape. I escaped with basketball. We can steem off with Steemit. It is good to be good. I like smaller government. I would go for no government. If government was good or better, then things would be different. But they aint. People can be bad. You do not have to teach people to be bad. How can we be good? People must have a new heart to be good. People need like a heart transplant. If government tells me to do a bad thing, should I do the bad thing? That is a great question. People died in my life. Friends died. Family died. Some of them. Not all of them. I believe in the golden rule. Thanks for posting.

Amazing achievement and a great help to the community in helping minnows get noticed. Followed

good to see your success in terms of followers. I am also following you. if you like then kindly resteem this useful post

I never thought youre a Filipina. haha!

I'll read the interview later. This should be fun!

Very cool what you are doing resteeming. Have you stumbled across this guy?

This is a really funny post on barre by @rdg296

Wauw, how did you get that many followers?? And you are not posting or some posts?

Have you heard that the earth is flat?? I am not religious so that is why I dont want to join your chat... but flat earth chat is fine....

real ballone no curve.png

3d math shows curve 1.png

3d math shows curve 2.png

Hi Joana

I have recently been caught up in a lot of controversies with what people present courtesy following as. But after reading you interview I see and admire the high level of respect you have for the steemit community and you high level of integrity. Even when you had financial hardship you still did not harm the community when it was available at your finger tips. You have my utmost respect for that.

And I liked your explanation about how mass followers that are heterogenous in interest is not the best approach. I am in two minds about trying your approach. I have worked tirelessly for 4 weeks putting out long and researched posts to gain 370 followers. Another difference I see is that you do not unfollow people by the hundreds which is a practice I see out there.

Listen I believe you are on the same page with my cause to help minnows like me and my fellow minnows. BUt I tell no lie that I will continue to work tirelessly and invest some money into steemit at some point once I have sorted out the purchase of my own home in the next few weeks that I want to be doing this full time. I love writing and I love contributing as I come from a back ground of owning and managing huge online forums. And that is what I love to do best.

So I will be bold and ask if you will go to @yoda1917 and give me some assistance in getting me more exposure, and hopefully a better following.

I know I am thick skinned to ask you this. But if I don't ask, the answer is no already. That is what I teach my students. When they randomnly ask me to buy them a cake for their birthday, I do sometimes just to make a point about having to ask.

I look forward to hearing from you whatever you answer may be.



I took a look at your profile. Looks like you are off to a good start. I resteemed one of your posts also. :)

Thank you. I hope we can have some more conversation, there are a few important things I would like to ask you about :) Let me know what you think of my cause when you get a chance :)

You're heading in a positive direction, imo. I wouldn't change the path you're on. Just be mindful not to provoke certain people here as you gain influence. Some of them can damage your reputation beyond recovery. It's happened to more than a few - so when you're tackling issues, taking a stand against something, use as much tact and consideration as possible. That's about as much as I can tell you, based on several months observing the behavior of those who have high status and power on this platform.

I will remember that. That is why I am such a clown in the way I present things.

Hey are you ok with me sending you a few links to look at when I sober up? ;)

I already have your user name down. I'll check back on your profile periodically. I spread my resteems around and can only do a small number per day or it just pushes the posts down peoples' feeds and helps nobody.

I appreciate what you have done. It made a difference :)

I've just realised that you really don;t care much about monetary gains. You are really here to help people after all the hours you put in. WOW!!!

First of all, I want to thank you for opening my mind to what steemit can do for people in other countries as you suggested. That is amazing. And I also am grateful for your explanation of a Christian Anarchist - one who puts God's Law first... yes that is my stand.

im glad i found you joanaltres :)

@joanaltres you seem like an amazing person and I can't wait to get to know you better 💕

This post has received 100 % upvote from @cryptokraze for participating in 1st Giveaway | 200 Followers

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Well, you got one more follower. Such a graceful answers.

Wow that is good initiative by you to interview. I hope that there will be some days with my interview.

I’m not financially motivated for myself on Steemit, true. I’m more concerned about the success of Steemit overall.

This kind of attitude separates winners from losers. 10,000+ followers but still ground to earth really speaks volume about @joanaltres. Thanks for sharing this nicely put interview with us.

My god, I know. We forget about the quiet ones who are working away behind the scenes, not for their own pockets, but for others. It's really kind of making me feel sad, somehow, because here she is, she needed financial help, was in ruin, and still she kept thinking of others, trying to help them. Imagine what the world would look like filled with Joans........

She is the "Joan of Arc" of the present generation.

She really is. There is no doubt in my mind.

All of you are too kind. Really. Thanks again for everything. I appreciate this very much. :)

well, you have been helping all of us, and receiving nothing in return except the feeling of being Santa Claus. You need to get some rewards, in order to help with your debts. You deserve a part of the reward pool, you've done great things.

Can't agree more

Wow @stellabelle I knew she was special when I first re-steemed her but this is totally amazing. If you ask me, I think she is just getting started.

Congrats @joanaltres Way To Go!!!

full steem ahead!

Screen Shot 2017-07-06 at 9.11.39 AM.png

Thanks very much, @streetstyle. I appreciate that. :)

@joanaltres Thank you for your inspiration, kindness and overall Humanity. Steemit is a better place because of you!!

full steem ahead!

Congratulations on being the first person to hit over 10,000 :) I hope you reach the 100K club before Steemit hits 1M+ registered users!

Great post.

Looks like that HF19 wasn't good for everybody. I've heard the same complaint from many Steemers: after hf19, rewards and votes dropped quite a bit.

WOW great interview!! ... The power of steem and all the great people involved.

You know youre a boss when you have 10,000 followers and you dont even need to be on the hot page, crazy

yeah, exactly. I started noticing Saint Joan (as I will now be referring to her) because she would put her comments on some of my blogs and resteem them. But her real magic happened when she found my mother's post and resteemed that. That basically sent my mom's post into orbit, getting all kinds of new views and upvotes. I'm trying to convince my mom (who is almost 80) to quit her job and just blog on steemit for her money. She still has to work to have income...but she told me recently that she's not interested in making money, only telling her stories, as she said she has a lot to recount of her life.

@stellabelle very good interview with @joanaltres . I think that her startegy will help her to see more success.
You have a great heart too . However following 50K+ will be overwhelming as your feeds will always be filled with posts and you will certainly miss out some top posts.

Hope both of you will see my latest post (where I cited you) on steemit taking over social media.
Keep steeming , my regards to @joanaltres and more success to both of you. Upvoted

This is truly inspirational and noble of @joanaltres I am almost at a loss for words. To be helping the community with no agenda of her own... Wow!
God bless you and your heart.

i know. it almost makes me want to cry. Thinking of her in financial ruin, but not wanting to "drain the reward pool." It's unreal.

@stellabelle This
"i know. it almost makes me want to cry. Thinking of her in financial ruin, but not wanting to "drain the reward pool." It's unreal."

Yeah, that is so giving and unselfish of her. It really is commendable. I wish her nothing but good fortune in the future.

Thank you for this incredible interview!