
in #food6 years ago

Death is the state of cessation of organisms permanently growth and metabolism and activities of vital functions (such as breathing, eating, drinking, thinking, movement and all vital activities) Dead bodies can not be due to the activities and functions mentioned above. [1] [2] [3]


See a tomb in Malta


1 Definitions of death

Death according to the religious concept

3 Rituals of Death

4 related topics

5 Sources

Definitions of death

Soldier killed in the American Civil War, siege of St. Petersburg 1 April 1865

Medically there are two definitions of death:

Clinical death is a state of sudden absence of blood circulation in the blood vessels, breathing and awareness. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation can sometimes save a person from clinical death, and if the intervention is not quickly activated, the person will enter the biological state of death.

Biological death: sometimes called cerebral death, is the absence of brain, brain, brain, and spinal cord functions. These three members will never return to their functions (at least according to our current scientific and technical information).

According to this definition, the person who dies biologically can work his heart for a while even after his death because the heart beats by itself without a brain working, but the dead person can not breathe, so the proportion of oxygen in the blood decreases gradually and quickly, "The heart also stops working because of the lack of oxygen needed for the muscles of the heart, and anyone who breathes naturally without the presence of artificial respiration means that this person is not dead biologically (brain).

According to the law of some countries, the organs of dead persons can be removed and implanted in sick people who need them, provided that the heart and lungs of the dead person are artificially working, of course, because breathing is naturally impossible in the case of brain death.

The dead body gradually begins to lose its temperature and the body becomes cold and gradually degrades over time and also produces a foul odor.

Death according to the religious concept

Death is the exodus of the soul from the human body and the transition to the other stage of life, and most religions do not define what this spirit and everyone says that this is a secret of God.

The followers of the heavenly religions believe that there is another life after death that depends on the faith or deeds of men, and they will receive punishment in the fire or reward in Paradise. All these religions came to establish the principle of reward and punishment. Islam considers the soul to be the knowledge of the unseen. .

Buddhists believe in a cycle of birth, death and re-birth, in which only human beings are fully aware of the reality of existence, and other religions believe in the reincarnation of life, such as Hinduism.

Ritual of death

The rituals associated with death vary according to the different cultures. There are cultures that remove the body of the dead, either by burying or burning them. The pharaonic civilizations in ancient Egypt also mummified the bodies because they believed that the soul would be returned again.

The followers of some religions, such as Islam, wash, cover, pray and bury the dead, except in certain cases bury the deceased without washing like the case of the martyr according to the Islamic belief and is not Tkvnh without his clothes in which he was martyred, [4] The ritual frame of farewell and the last glance at it.

In India, for Hindus there is a ritual for the dead, where relatives gather in the Holocaust and then bring wood with a special weight and placed longitudinally between iron poles fixed in the ground specially for this purpose and put this wood and then come dead and paint his face with a little help materials on combustion and then placed on the arched wood Then, the rest of the wood is placed on top of it, and then some of the cow dung is placed, believing in their blessing for the dead. Then the relatives come and begin to throw some small things out of Ruth and others and this after most of his body is burned. Then his family comes and takes the ashes of his body, It should be noted that in S. Bug was the Indian Hindu man when he dies and his wife burns the burn with him, and after that the modern Indian state came and prevented it from becoming succession doing so badly, but that of Hindus reacting to get rid of her husband, they will no doubt burn herself with him.

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