Stress and Cravings

in #food6 years ago (edited)

Stress kinda forces us to turn to our favorite kind of food for relief. It's quite unfortunate that for a lot of us, what we call our favorite foods are those foods which contain very high level of sugar and fat. Over time, we might have come to link these very unhealthy treats with having a feeling of happiness and then we begin to have cravings for junk food each time we want comfort.


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You didnt have to allow your cravings get in the way of having a healthy diet. You can learn to control your cravings by taking a few simple steps, like scheduling regular meals and reducing your salt intake. Over time, you may find your cravings are reduced and you can focus on eating a well-balanced, nutritious diet.

  • When to Eat


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The pattern of the ingestive system is such that it loves routines, and then a lot of food cravings do rise up as a result of poor eating habits. By working to eat meals and snacks on a particular scheduled day each day, your body might not have the time to feel starved of nutrients. Being careful to eat before you feel overly hungry might also help in keeping the blood sugar levels in proper check, as well as controlling the energy levels, and thus reducing mood swings.

The very idea of scheduling meals and snacks might sound quite intimidating, but it's way easier than you might have thought. What you have to do is to take out some few minutes once it's morning to consider when you will be able to enjoy breakfast, lunch, and dinner for that day. Once it feels like you have a little too much time between certain meals, then you plan to have a healthy snack at hand. You might just be able to avoid those pangs of hunger and thus head off cravings.

  • What to Eat


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For a lot of healthy persons, it's quite okay to eat just a little amount of salt and sugar. It's quite unfortunate that the more salt and sugar that's added to your food, it's the more one's becomes accustomed to its taste. After sometime, food that's without added salt and sugar might just begin to taste bland. What this means is that you might not crave a salty or sweet snack even when you've finished consuming a huge meal.

You just have to re-discover the deliciousness of the food's natural flavors, this is done by reducing the level of salt and sugar you add into your meals. Processed foods are usually chockfull of additives, such as sodium and added sugar, you need to endeavour to cut down on consuming pre-packaged meals or snacks. The best plan here is to prepare healthy meals from the very start and properly choose whole fruits and veggies in place of snacks. Being certain that you won't be able to make out time to cook on a particular day, then you should try out to choosing some pre-packaged meals which are low in sodium and have not a pinch of added sugar.

  • How to Eat Better by Exercising More


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The mood one in could have a big impact on the foods you have cravings for. If you're feeling sad or kinda stressed out, you might just become tempted to get involved in high-sugar and high-fat comfort foods. Perhaps one of the easiest ways to avoid any stress-related food cravings is by learning a much better way or ways to cope with negative feelings, exercising is a good example.

Whenever we exercise, the body releases some feel good chemicals - endorphins, and at the same time, exercising would reduce the levels of the stress hormone - cortisol. What this means is that exercising regularly might help you in managing your stress levels and also help in reducing your cravings. Thirty minutes (30 mins) a day of exercising might just make the difference.

  • Health Ahead Hint: Keep Your Favorites, Cut the Cravings

It's always very comfortable to turn to your comfort foods whenever you feel stressed and you need a snack. But reaching out for those foods which are high in sugars and fats would not help your body in any way. Over some period of time, you might start to feel dependent on junk food. Take out time to make an healthy choice and then begin to take solid steps to reduce the cravings which you have. You could always enjoy little quantities of your favorite foods, when it's in moderation, it won't let these foods get control of you. When you keep tabs on the times you eat, reduce your consumption of sodium and sugar, regularly exercising, you would be able to manage your cravings and begin building a healthier lifestyle.


The mood one in could have a big impact on the foods you have cravings for

Very true for me. At a time, I'd crave for hot jollof with fried meat, at other times, I'd be like "even if na sipe, I go sipe comot"

Lol. I know the feeling mehn. In secondary school I used to crave for something called "biscuit flakes" when I stayed up at night on an exams eve.

Anytime I'm stressed, i feel like consuming a large quantity of what ever i come across.....
For example, I might crave for chicken laps and end up buying about 4 chicken laps in my hungry state but then, I finally consume just two while the others go to waste if there's no one around to help.
This gets me wondering if I can ever put a check on my cravings cause it's sometimes annoying.

Discipline yourself... That's just the best way to check yours. I don't even eat much when I am stressed except it is roasted plantain. So I have to force myself to eat during those times.

You're good then; I'll have to put a check on mine