Khrenodyor at home!

in #food8 years ago

 This sauce is called differently-Khrenodyor,Sucker,Pluck the eyes,Fuck, etc. But the meaning is clear-that it is hell ) I read a lot of recipes and as a result made still its own way,was not in vain ) For 4 kg of tomatoes 1 kg of horseradish(roots),2 heads of garlic,4 tbsp salt,4 tbsp vinegar 9%, all of this turns out 10 cans 0.5 l. All mince,horseradish it is better to grind in a package(put the package on the grinder),as a chance to "fuck" too much. The who recommends rubbing horseradish grated -most likely he never Ter or his complete lack of smell...) If a strong "intoxication" while mixing will(grated tomatoes) to cover the face with a wet cloth(nose and mouth). In General, all triturated and stirred in sterilized jars, close with sterilized lids and store in the refrigerator. Just eat a can only extremists, but as the sauce is excellent,and also easy on the bread...My strong recommendation is to use with pelmeny,manta rays,khinkali. Cook for fun,eat great! Hell with you! ))