在港日本人都說好吃的拉麵店 - 三田製麵所| Raman shop recommended by my JPN friend in HK - Tsukemen Mitaseimenjo
最近關於拉麵的帖子很多呢,有Eat with Mellissa #2 ! Heavy taste Japanese "Tsukemen" in Hong Kong 跟我一起嚐嚐來自日本廣島正港沾麵店 <風雲丸>,也有Let’s eat RAMEN together 👅 Shirlam the Foodie || 吃貨 Shirlam 👅 週末一起去吃拉麵吧!。看到我也很想吃。問問在香港的日本朋友推薦那一家她告訴了我這家三田製麵所,就讓我來試試這家的味道吧。
There are two posts about Raman lately, they are Eat with Mellissa #2 ! Heavy taste Japanese "Tsukemen" in Hong Kong 跟我一起嚐嚐來自日本廣島正港沾麵店 <風雲丸> and Let’s eat RAMEN together 👅 Shirlam the Foodie || 吃貨 Shirlam 👅 週末一起去吃拉麵吧! . I wanted ramen so bad after reading these posts. So I asked my Japanese friend in Hong Kong if she have any recommendation, she recommended Tsukemen Mitaseimenjo to me, we went to the shop at the next day together.
No photo No talk, it is the line conversation between me and her!
Tsukemen Mitaseimenjo is a chain from Japan, which popular item is tsukemen, tsukemen is a kind the noodle and served separated from the soup.
I like this big lantern
This shop serves homemade thick noodles and thick bone and seafood broth.
There is a instruction about how to have tsukemen. Take some noodles, put the noodles into the broth then eat. Some people love to eat soup but the broth of tsukemen is too thick to have. You can ask for thining the broth after finishing the noodles, you will obtain a delicious soup. The broth is hot and the noodles are old traditionally but Chinese loves hot noodles, hot noodles is also served in this shop.
我點了大的辛辣濃香豬骨魚介沾麵。這裏的麵無大中小都是同一價錢,食量一般的女生的話吃中,男生吃大的就夠了。我吃比較多所以要了大的,都吃的挺撐的,哈哈。這裏的麵附上䓤、荀片、一塊叉燒,半隻半熟蛋。沾汁上的是紫菜和魚介粉,紅紅的是辣油。總括來說是挺好吃的。說一說優點。沾汁香濃,有濃濃的豬骨味和淡淡的魚介味,不死鹹。麵條彈牙爽口。半熟蛋入味熟度剛好。缺點是叉燒比較柴,辣度不足,還有沾汁不夠燙,@mellissaying 介紹的那家店在這方面做得比較好。
I ordered "spicy pork bone based fish bone tsukemen"( the translation in the menu is kind of strange) in size L. The noodle came with green onion, a slide of chashu, bamboo shoot and half of an half boiled egg. For the soup, there is a nori sheet and the red part is chili oil. It tastes quite nice. The broth is full of the umami flavor form pork and fish bone, the noodles are chewy and the egg is well-marinated. Which can be improved are the chashu is a little bit dry, the soup is not spicy enough and the broth is not hot enough.
My friend ordered tsukemen with prickled plum flavored broth. The broth is a little bit sour which is suitable for summer time.
There are shichimi, pepper and lemon infused water at the side the the table.
Besides tsukemen, the shop also serves mazemen, ramen and snacks.
BTW, I didn't eat the broth as I did't want my face becoming bigger. It was dark outside after the meal.
你說得很吸引 :))))) 有機會我也想試一下沾麵!!!
八公我save入Google Maps啦.可能年尾走一钻香港.

歡迎你來喔。為甚要叫自己做八公啊 ?(≧∇≦)
ur tag seems not working
which tag do you mean ? and can you teach me how to make it work ? ; )
Not you:P Carine tried to tag you in the passage, but not work. I tried to tag you in this reply area only ;P
Tag in Chinese version sometimes not work, dunno why
Reminder: need a space before the @
(@u@ ) ty😂
Oh, so strange
thank you so much for mention me in your post ! try more and eat more in Hong Kong !hahahaahah~
Mellissa! Thank sou for your reply!
I love your posts! The photos are great!
@mellissaaying @carinewhy try 漁場台風 next time. :) **But they sell Tsukemen in lunch hour only
Gourmet Nicole's recommendation, definitely will try :)