Easy recipe: Cupcake "Au Coeur Coulant", French bakery for chocolate lovers.
Yummy, chocolate inside chocolate. Yes, that's the idea.
10 minutes to prepare it, 10 minutes to heat it, 30 seconds to eat it. That's all it will take.
The recipe is very simple. It requires a oven and cupcake molds. The one with an heart shape if you want to do exactly like me.
Ingredients for 6 cupcakes:
- Dark chocolate 150g (5.3 oz)
- 12 squares of dark chocolate
- Butter 80g (2.8 oz)
- Powdered sugar 90g (3.2 oz)
- 2 big spoon of flour
- 4 eggs
If you look at the end, you will see that we have more than 6 cupcakes, it is because our molds were very tiny and didn't allowed us to use all of the cake's dough

Since the recipe only take 10 minutes, you may preheat the oven right now at 240°c (464°F for you Americans)

Now, lets go the the first step.
You have to melt the 80 grams of butter and the 150 grams of chocolate (except the 12 squares, you will need them later) in a pan. If you are lazy, you can go full microwave, and make it look smooth.

In a bowl mix the 4 eggs and the 90 grams of sugar. I don't want to see any lumps. Make it smooth like water. (Don't add water thought).

You can now add the 2 big spoon of flour. Keep scrambling all of that. And add the melted chocolate and butter than you prepared before, while you keep mixing all of it.

Now, you need to grease the 6 molds. (Heart shape to go full like me remember). For that you will need to use paper towels and butter. Put butter everywhere inside the molds, it will be easier to unmold the cupcake later.

Now the tricky not so tricky part. You will need to fill the molds with the dough, but only up to the half. Why that? Keep reading and you will know.

Add the 12 squares of chocolate you have kept before. 2 per cupcake. And then, fill the molds with the rest of the dough to cover the chocolate's squares.

The final step: put your cupcakes on a plate in your oven, for 10 minutes at 240°c (remember, you preheated it before).

10 minutes later, et voilà, it is ready to eat.

Now enjoy, because it is extremely good.

The middle will flow out of your cupcake if you cut it. And of you course you can change the inside chocolate by using milk chocolate, dark chocolate or white chocolate.
Bon appétit.
And I hope you enjoyed my recipe.
You can follow me if you want to see my activity on your feed. And you can request me recipes on the comments below (I know Firepower, I'm on it for the Nachos!)
Can we say "diabetic coma" in the making? lol Will have to try this without sugar.
Once in a while it wont hurt! But don't eat this everyday :)
This looks really good definitely something i want to try in the near future! Also great job with the pictures it makes it more intresting and easy to follow up on the recipe :)
It is really easy to do, and with the picture in my post you can't go wrong on the recipe! Let me know when you tried :)
Wow, this must be sweet, very sweet. A proper sugar bomb :)
Can you put some nuts into the middle?
Totally, a sugar bomb. But it is so good.
You can add tiny bits of nuts in the dough to do the same as a brownie!
Great! I like to cook too!
We are more and more cooking lover here, this is so great!
yummy..I wish I could have one.
You can make one and eat it in 20 minutes!
@clement those "Au Coeur Coulant" cupcakes look delicious. You may want to check the Pascualina Tart as main dish option before the dessert!
Ca donne envie !