What's For Dinner World???steemCreated with Sketch.

in #food8 years ago


So I made this last night. Strawberry mashed with date. Sprinkle some cinnamon and add some bananas and bam! I had no idea how yummy that combo is(strawberry date and cinnamon, yum)!

Something to know about me is i love to eat simple.

Fruit is nature's fast food! The quickest most whole food has got a be the banana.

Cultivate a healthy mindset. Cultivate a healthy body.

Let's build a beautiful planet filled with so much abundance and play!

Free spirited !


I forgot to say I also have chia seeds on top.

Awesome. I could not agree with you more! Simple, real, whole foods are the best for me, too.

Wow you just inspired me a great idea! Especially since I'm growing strawberries myself

That's great! I like your blog Mike. Iv been around cryptocurrency for a couple years but have never dived into really understanding this culture. I think I can learn a thing or two from your blog. Either way soon I will have some time to dive in and learn about it more. The vocabulary is what stumps me most.