The beef liver with Moroccan spices + the Mauritian Yellow split peas With calabash

in #food7 years ago

Hello my lovely friends of steemit!

Today i will share with you another Moroccan yummy dish, it’s the beef liver with Moroccan spices, I served it with the Mauritian yellow split peas with calabash, these were healthy meal, I cooked them separately.
The second dish is 100% vegan, it’s suitable for the vegetarians .

So let’s me share with you this super delicious dish:

To prepare this easy and healthy dish you need:


  • 1 big onion shopped finely
  • 1 tablespoon of garlic paste
  • coriander
  • 1 tablespoon of paprika
  • 1 tablespoon of cumin
  • little black pepper
  • little turmeric powder
  • little salt
  • olives oil

  • put the chopped onion with olives oil and stir well .
  • wash the beef liver with vinegar.
  • add it to cook with the onion .
  • put the Moroccan spices below with garlic paste.
  • let it cook little, then add the coriander.
  • the beef liver should not cook it so much, just 10 minutes will be ready!! But if you cook it for a longer period it will be solid, but we have to keep it soft.

I served it with the vegan Mauritian dish the yellow split peas with calabash.

To prepare this vegan dish you need:


  • 125 gms of yellow split peas
  • half calabash cut into big pieces
  • 1 onion shopped finely
  • 1 tomato cubed
  • thyme
  • dried chilli
  • 1 tablespoon of garlic paste
  • 1 tablespoon of ginger paste
  • 1 tablespoon of cumin powder
  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder
  • coriander


  • stir the shopped onion with the cubed tomato in oil for 5 min then add yellow split peas which we put it in the water before , then add the spices and coriander + ginger paste + garlic paste+ calabash+ thyme + dried chilli.

  • add 3 cups of the water and close the pressure cooker.

  • this dish easy to make it, it will not take so much time to prepare it, I hope you enjoyed this two dishes!

So how you find my lunch menu for today?
I hope you like them and you give them try!!
Please do leave a comment below if you find the post interesting!

All photos are mine and original!

An upvote will be most welcomed!
Do resteem it if you think more people need to see it!

Thank you


ما شاء الله. الله يوفقك

امين الله يحفظك

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شبعان و جبتي ليا الجوع.هادشي كايشهي تبارك الله عليك

بارك الله فيك خويا الله يحفظك

بحال ديما غير كنجي لبوست ديالك كتحل ليا شهية

مرحبا بيك خويا الله يحفظك

متألقة كالعادة بوصفاتك الرائعة و الشهية

شكرا لك على تتبعك لي

شكرا على مشاركتك هذا الموضوع
انني معتاد على المرور بمدونتك يوميا و إلقاء نظرة على قائمة الطعام التي تمتازين بها .
أظن ان الأمر يصبح مثل حلقات شميشة بالنسبة لي
سوف اقوم بارسال رسالة لك في الديسكورد باسمي و بإسم بعض الأشخاص الذين هم من رواد المطعم لديك أتمنى أن تقومي بقراءته . وشكرا


Thank you very much @emaaceh.

I like its. I like eat. Its very yummyy :)

Thank you very much for your feedback.

Hello dear friend! I'm still delighted with your recipes, I hope you can make some soon, they look delicious, what I like the most is that it's for the whole family! blessings to you!

Thank you very much for your commenting @michedi.

Always aware of your recipes, my dear friend. We can see that this time you could show off with a vegetarian recipe. Great!!!

Thank you very much for stopping by my friend.