What are the best foods useful to strengthen the immune system?

in #food2 years ago

What are the best foods useful to strengthen the immune system?

The immune system is the one that protects the human body from diseases and viruses.
To strengthen the immune system we need to eat all foods.

What are the best foods that are beneficial for the health of the body and the immune system:-

First, the foods are vegetables:

Onions contain health benefits. Onions benefit the body and treat all diseases of my immune system. It is recommended that I take onion juice for breakfast on a daily basis.
the Garlic:-
Garlic is one of the useful foods to strengthen the body and is beneficial to every organ in your body. You should eat garlic on a daily basis for the health benefits of your body.

Pepper is a healthy vegetable
The red flat

The second foods, vegetable protein, legumes:

Beans :_
It is a good-tasting legume and beans contain vegetable protein.
Useful to strengthen the immune system.

The third foods are animal protein:

All kinds of fish

Melted red meat tastes good and is useful for strengthening the immune system.

chicken :_
From white meat that is beneficial for the health of the body and everything

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> The best recipe for strengthening the immune system