| Cut the eggplant into thick 2 cm slices, spread on a paper towel and drain the salt - leave for 10 minutes, and after this time gather the juices. |
 | Stir the oil (5 tablespoons) with the spice and grill with aubergine. |
 | Prepare the garlic butter - garlic and pear finely chop, mix together with butter, season to taste. Wrap the food foil by forming an elongated roller and place in the fridge for 20 minutes. |
 | In the salad bowl, combine the rocket salad, the onion cut into a feather, the pepper cut into strips and crushed cheese. Peanuts insist on dry hot pan. |
 | Prepare the sauce: in a small jar, put 2 tablespoons of water, vinegar, mustard, honey, chopped garlic and olive oil. Add a little salt and pepper, jar to close tightly and shake vigorously, stirring the sauce. |
 | Place the eggplant slices on the grate of the heated grill and fry for 8-10 minutes rotating every now and then. Spread the salad on plates and pour the sauce. On top of the sliced grilled aubergine - on each of them lay a piece of garlic butter, sprinkle with whole nuts and serve. |