Cheat Meals - What is Cheat Meal & Why Should you Have it

in #food8 years ago

Hello everybody!

Today I will present you what is cheat meal and why you need it sometimes in your diet.

First of all lets clear out what is cheat meal.
When you are on diet, was it for fat loss or muscle building, you have you meals plan, which you need to follow every day if you want the best resluts.
But what about when you get tired of it? Or you have feeling like you can't follow it anymore, or you dont have the sam progress like on the beginning?

Then you need to reset your metablism and eat some "junk" food.
But why?
After some time on the same diet and the same food, your body will addapt and your metabolism will slow down, which will result with gaining weight.
Becaouse of that, if you follow your diet plan for 6 days, and 7th day you eat for exmpl. pizza or pancakes, that would be shock for your body and your metabolism would speed up again.
That literally means that you will encourage fat loss with that couple slices of pizza!

When it's time for a cheat meal?

If for some time you feel fatigued in training, with no will to workout and you do not have a pump while training... or if you see that progress is smaller or absent, cheat meal will definitely help you!

So, you should listen to your body, which leads us to a meal outside the usual protocol or not.

It would be ideal to have that meal in a day without training, because the purpose of cheat meal, to fill the empty glycogen stores and re-spin the metabolism, come to the fore.

On the day when you eat a cheat meal, make sure your protein intake remains at the desired level. Do not, for example, before lunch destroy pizza, but then skip lunch.
I suggest that, for example, lunch normally and on schedule, and then instead of snacks, eat what you have dreamed for days.

Cheat meal has many positive psychological effects - will satisfy your desires you've dreamed of in the past, and this meal you will experience as a reward for all the good that you had eating and workout done.

In the end the basic guidelines for the cheat meal:

  •  "Cheat" periodically and when there exist objective reasons, ie. Symptoms
  •   have a cheat meal a day when you do not train
  •   do not allow to cheat MEAL converted to cheat DAY!
  •   carbohydrates shuld be major nutrient in cheat meals

Thanks for reading!
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hahaa thanks....tough for a foodie to do..