If you are going through hard times in the life, maybe you could try this. 失恋33天

in #food7 years ago (edited)

Life is filled with ups and downs. We all have tough times when nothing seems to work. You may even feel pains each time you breathe. Yes, I totally feel you as I just went through my difficult stage: identify transformation, breakups and failures...
生活免不了起起落落。有的时候你会觉得自己很不幸,以至于你能感受到呼吸的疼痛。 我能够体会你的疼痛因为过去的两个月只有无尽的悲伤:刚刚告别学校面临身份的转化;找工作不顺; 同时听喜欢的人说不想再见...

I laid on bed, either dropping tears or screaming. In fact, I was too tired to fall asleep; too depressed to eat... In a week's time, I could not recognise the person in the mirror anymore: a extremely pale face with terrifying eyes.
我躺在床上,要不就默默流眼泪,要不就像大声吼。 事实上, 我累到睡不着,也没有吃东西的胃口。不到一个星期, 镜子里的我既苍白,眼神又空洞.

The moment when Grandmum was crying in front of cam waked me up. I just could not be that situation anymore, and I have to help myself. As a German saying, looking after your stomach is looking after your body. I decided to try food therapy. Here is my journey, I would divided photos into several different post.
一天在和奶奶视屏的时候,她老人家看到我自暴自弃忍不住掉眼泪。也许就在那一秒钟,我彻底醒了。对呀,我不应该是那个可怜兮兮自暴自弃的家伙,是时候该做出改变了。 德语里有一句谚语说,照顾好你的胃就是照顾好你自己。 于是33天的美食疗法开启了。 因为有不少照片,我就分几次po.

If you are going through hard times at the moment, you can try food therapy. Feel free to ask the recipes. Alternatively, if you want somebody to be your side, I am here listening to you.
10 mins noodles 快手面条

Sweet dumplings 芝麻汤圆

Pumpkin cake小南瓜


Hello there im john 😊 i will follow u n voteu up n pls follow me back n voteb me too ok

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