Did You Know It's Illegal to Feed the Homeless in Dallas? We Do It Anyway
In the United States--one of the world's richest countries and "leader of the free world"--there are over 600,000 homeless people. Almost 4,000 of them are in Dallas.
In the metroplex and other places, the government restricts how the average citizen can reach out to serve their fellow man, requiring permits and licenses (i.e., taxes) to feed a group of 75 or more homeless people.
We find this dishonorable. As we do not and will not bend to fit into systems that oppose our values, we do something about it. We feed hungry people every single day, and this weekend we will participate in one of our favorite events of the year.

On Saturday, December 17th, we will harvest, prepare, package, deliver, serve, and clean up hundreds of meals to the people living on the streets. We won't buy anything from stores, and we will do all of our cooking outdoors on hand-built rocket stoves burning wood salvaged from the landfill. Our act of compassion will also be one of civil disobedience.

Don't Comply adamantly protects our collective right to bear arms and actively demonstrates that freedom. The group sheds light on how ludicrous it is to follow arbitrary rules and regulations that limit one's inherent rights.
We are collecting toiletries, socks, winter coats, sleeping bags, and tents to distribute on Saturday. And as always, everything we earn from all of our operations (including rewards here on Steemit!) are devoted to feeding people - for only $3, we can easily provide a meal to someone in need. You can't find that great a deal in a restaurant! Anyone wishing to make a donation can do so by dropping off gear at the Garden of Eden, upvoting our posts, and sharing via social media.
This is event is made possible in part by the generous support we have received from @theprophet0! He has written several posts this season and donated proceeds towards our cause. We also want to thank those who have made direct donations to us towards feeding the homeless, including @jamesc and @freebornangel! Thank you, Steemit!!!!
For the cost of a single fighter jet, the government could feed, clothe, and house homeless people for an entire year, but instead tax dollars go towards death and destruction. Is this the kind of world you want to live in? You can do something about it; every single day, choose to live by your values. A BETTER WAY IS POSSIBLE!
Even a small group of people can make a powerful impact when they work together towards a meaningful goal. We aim to feed hundreds of people, but we can do way more with your continued support! Whether you are able to contribute physically, financially, or simply by sharing about us through social media, by combining our resources we are able to unleash unfathomable powers of love and support!


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Thanks a bunch, @steemtrail! That's awesome!
After the no collecting rainwater and illegal homegrown veggies in your garden, now this. Didn't know America was that crazy. Luckily there are some beautiful souls around like all of you in the Garden of Eden to go against it and help others and mother nature survive. Keep up the good work! Big thumbs up. If I ever make it to the states I'll def come and visit the project!
Thanks for your support @amy-goodrich! The US is pretty tyrannical; we know firsthand how ridiculous the authorities can be, which is one reason why honor is so important to us!
what an act of civil disobedience... good on you!
Thanks @doitvoluntarily!
Its the same here in the UK its shocking how the government are treating people especially the old and disabled
Quite appalling
There going to start fining the homeless for taking the food... wonder what's going on in these politicians heads
What's going on with people who comply with with man's arbitrary and dishonorable laws?
I don't care what they say I'll still help when I can
I'm excited to be engaging in these homeless feeds. It is powerful to look these people in the eyes and feel their gratitude Who would believe it is illegal? Why would anyone follow such ridiculousness? Of course we are going to feed the people. When our priorities are straight, many things change.
How incredible that we live in a world in which basics of being a decent human being are prohibited, restricted, and taxed. We don't stand for those shenanigans! It feels good to be aligned with solutions.
Illegal to feed homeless wha..?
... and the land of the free?
Such a joke!
And above that, you said that the govern-cement tries to force you to jump through hoops to feed the homeless.
I would like to point out to everyone that this is not an accident. It is not an oversight.
It is what the govern-cement wants!
The govern-cement wants there to be down-trodden. People out on the street. For there to be a permanent poor class.
It is in every pore of the status quo. It IS the machine. It is govern-cement.
It will not be fixed by voting for a new captain. The whole thing will be torn down piece by piece and replaced by something that actually serves mankind.
Quake in your boots oh thee who would call themselves overlords, your world is crumbling about your feet as we speak.
The revolution begins within.
So amazing!
You are too, @therophet0!
My city also requires permits to do the same, we even have gone as far as kicking the homeless out of the city parks. As far as I can tell it is because the stupidity of the politicians, hide or get ride of the homeless then you can boast there are no homeless in your city. This is not solving the problem. I hope the meal turns out great for all the needy there. Upvoted and resteemed.
Thank you @smysullivan! It's unfortunately becoming too common for authorities to harass the homeless, so it's up to people to demonstrate that this is not ok. Thanks for you support!
What's with all these crazy laws?
" the land of th free" the land of the MOST laws of any country in the world and home to the largest prison population in the world...
What a bunch of BS!
Yes I suspect we are not far behind in the UK. We still have some weird laws in the UK that never got removed. Like it is illegal to look a goat in the eye on a Tuesday.
There are over 8 million laws on the books in the US.
Thats amazing.