@get-baking: Delicious Homemade Pasta in a Rich Tomato Sauce; and, A 'Cheats' Garlic Bread Recipe to go with it.... Simple and Tasty!

in #food7 years ago

The third of my pasta 'posts' shows how to cook the pasta in a lovely tomato sauce.  This delicious sauce marries beautifully with the 'melting' homemade pasta.  The beauty of this tomato sauce though is that it is the base for many more pasta sauces; this will all be discussed in my next post.

To find part one of this trilogy: Making the Pasta Dough; and part two: Producing Pasta.  Please click on the highlighted blue to be taken straight to the posts where the processes used are fully covered in images.

For now though, lets finish making Homemade Pasta:

We left the pasta drying on the surface....

Firstly, put on the stove a large pan of salted water, and bring to a 'rolling' boil.

Add the pasta, 

and keeping the water at a simmer.....

wait for the pasta to float.  It is now ready; in a couple of minutes you have perfectly cooked pasta.

In the meantime, have your sauce warming, ready for the pasta.

Drain the pasta and add it to the sauce.  (Always add the pasta to the sauce, not the other way round)!  

Finish cooking the pasta in the sauce, it will soak up all of the delicious flavours.

Place into serving bowls of your choice and serve piping hot with some delicious.......

'Cheats' Garlic Bread

So easy and quick to make.  Two to three minutes in a hot oven and its ready to eat.  

Firstly, slice a bread baton in half, lengthways; then into chunks as big as you like.  

Lightly toast them.

Chop up parsley and mash some garlic, into a bowl with a big chunk of butter.

Mix them together thoroughly .......

and spread the toasted bread halves thickly.  

Into the oven and in no time you have wonderfully crisp garlic bread....simple!

Delicious food, easy and quick; your family will be really impressed.  

Next Post, I want to look at sauces, all based around the wonderful tomato sauce shown in this Post, but until then;


as I would love to know what you think.  

Thank you dear 'Steemian' friends.


The pasta-garlic bread combination is definitely a yummy classic :) And I love this series on pasta making and how each post builds from one to the next. I've always wanted to make my own healthy homemade pasta, so thank you for this guide on how to do it :) I've followed you and look forward to seeing your upcoming pasta sauces :)

You are really kind. Yes, I love making my own food. No additives, only using good ingredients, and adapting to improve each time I make something. This really is the best pasta recipe. It is so stable to handle. Please try it. The sauces are delicious too. Just finished bagging up my tomato sauce into portions, to freeze for future use! :)X

Appetizing))) Upvited)))

Thank you so much, I really appreciate your upvote, and comment. :)X

Hey good job,keep it up,i will support you...check me out @kamranbhatti

Thank you very much and, yes I will look at your work with pleasure. :)X

Thank s get-baking...
And i daily check your blog it's amazing i hope you also check me out daily....

Those pic describe how delicious the food would be.
Pasta with tomato sauce. wow.
by the way keep in touch bro.

Thank you so much. Yes, I will keep in touch. Tomorrow, I will show how to make this simple, yet delicious sauce; and how to adapt it into other fabulous tasting sauces. :)X

Looks sooo yummy! I love garlic bread :)) Btw, I noticed you described the pasta as 'melting'.. can you get the al-dente effect with this homemade pasta recipe?

It is soft but has chew and structure. My flowery vocabulary sometimes runs away with me! It is so different to dried pasta. Try it and see. If you decide not for you I would love to know why. Friends, including Italians, like this pasta. You know the saying....'suck it and see'; ie, try it! :)X Ps. Only cook it until it floats, not any more or it will be softer, but still hold its shape. X

Thanks for the tip, @get-baking! Will keep that in mind when I do try this one :)

You are very welcome. Bit erratic with posting at the moment. Moving house in the next two months and I have so much stuff! When came over from England it filled a full very large waggon! Have work to do on the house first and have been putting it off. No choice now. Aaaaaaaaaaaagh!:)X

hehe look's like you've got your work cut out for you...time to declutter!! At least this time you're not crossing borders, right :)

Correct, not crossing borders, about 7 Km away from here. So much stuff though, which I actually like! What do they say? You should get rid of anything you haven't used in 6 months....trouble is, if I get rid of something, I always need it a few days later! Hey ho! Not been curating much lately, so must check your site tomorrow. :)X

trouble is, if I get rid of something, I always need it a few days later!

hehe that's a most unfortunate coincidence that pops up from time to time in life..I think we just need more 'versatile' things..so when we get rid of one, we can use a 'replacement' to get the job done if we so happen to require the thrown-away item ;)) easier said than done though! Good luck, @get-baking!

Yes you are right again. However, I am a little conservative, and if I bought something to do a job, I like to use it for that. I object to having to buy another item when I have something. I am 'old' so therefore I have collected zillions of things over my lifetime. You wait, you will be exactly the same. LOL :)X