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RE: New Study Suggests We Might Have Been Misled About Fat

in #food7 years ago

I used to fully believe that fat was bad, carbs and sugar were good. Now I eat a moderate protein, high fat, and low carb (especially low sugar) diet and I've never felt better.

Once every 2-3 weeks I will do a 're-feed' and go eat all you can eat sushi or something to refill my glycogen stores and power me up for my workouts for a while. But then it's right on back to the low carb, low sugar lifestyle.

Happy to talk with anyone who wants to know more about this way of eating!


Hey @halcyondaze, I've recently made some serious dietary changes due to a Candida overgrowth - no sugar (even fruit), no yeast, no alcohol. Low carb also, although I haven't been able to get into ketosis, I don't think. I think I'm eating just enough carbs to keep my body from shifting fuel source. It's been about two weeks though, and I feel great with minimal cravings. I did really want a beer today after stacking wood though!

Anyway, I'm curious about this "re-feed" to refill your glycogen stores. How do you know when you need that and what is it? Any direction you could point me in would be great, websites, resources, etc.

I challenge anybody out there to eliminate sugar, yeast, and alcohol for a week and see how they feel. It is amazing how pervasive added sugar hard to avoid, but it's worth it. Now, I am really missing the fresh plums that are just ripening on my tree, but this is a critical time to get my gut microbiome under control and so I will just look forward to eating fresh fruit again some other time.

I totally hear you about missing fruit my friend! For me, I do the refeed once every 2 or 3 weeks. The triggers for me are a harder time sleeping, struggling at work outs, and overall lethargy.

There are rules to the refeed, though. I keep protein consistent no matter what I'm eating, but on a refeed day carbs go way up and fat goes way down. You basically live the exact opposite diet that you have been. Hope that helps, feel free to ask any more questions.