🍪Raw, Vegan Chocolate Covered Cookie Dough Bites! (Gluten-free!)🍪

in #food7 years ago

Is there such a thing as cookie dough that's good for you? I think this counts!

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(The final photo thing wasn't working out because I couldn't stop eating them. Yes, those are bites haha) ;))

One thing that really grinds my gears ;) is not being able to have chocolate chip cookie dough anymore (the eggs, the flour, the butter and the white, processed sugars- yikes!)

Everytime I see a cookie for sale, it always is missing one of my requirements. Maybe it's gluten free, but still has eggs or maybe it's vegan but not gluten free. I thought, this is a nightmare! We HAVE to solve this!

There's nothing I can't find a way around if I put my heart to it and so, I give to you, my raw, gluten free and vegan version of chocolate chip cookie dough! Yes, it's delicious and even more yes, you should try it whether you're vegan/gluten-free or not!

Enough anticipation already, you've got to start making these so you can be eating them in half an hour!

What you need:

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Cookie Dough:

  • coconut flour
  • almond flour
  • coconut oil
  • coconut nectar (or sweetener of choice)
  • coconut sugar (I tried to omit it to be extra, extra healthy, but, it made a huge difference with it in and, if I ever use sugar which is RARE, I always opt for organic, raw, coconut sugar)
  • Himalayan sea salt
  • chocolate chips/nibs (I made mine, I'll post that recipe another time when I take photos of the process <3)

Chocolate Icing:

  • cacao powder
  • coconut nectar
  • coconut oil
  • Himalayan sea salt

How to Make Them:

  • Start off with a big bowl (I opt for stainless steel) and add in about 1 cup almond flour and 1 cup coconut flour.
  • Add in coconut oil in small amounts until you have a mushy, doughy, consistency (coconut flour is tricky so just go by feel not by perfect measure!)
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  • Stir in chocolate chiunks
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  • Place in containers or line a baking tray with coconut oil and press into firmly
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  • Stir all icing ingredients together in a big bowl (start with about 1/2 cup cacao and add in sweetener to taste, and oil until you get a thickness that is consistent with your typical icing!) I didn't make much because this was a small batch and I am not making the top layer very thick but feel free to make more if you love a chocolate rush on top :)
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  • Spread icing on top of your base layer
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  • Put in freezer for 20 mins to harden
  • Enjoy!

I have to tell you guys, I was racing through this recipe, I could not wait to get into them! I ate most of my batter before I was anywhere near the chocolate layer stage which is why you only see a couple of containers filled haha ;)

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Sending you love through (plant-based/vegan) food, as always!
I am obsessed with food, and I am a strong believer in the power it has within it, and the ability it has to heal us! I aim to inspire through my recipes and posts and hope to connect with you here, through your heart. Some say the way to the heart is through the stomach, I 100% agree with that theory ;)
I believe in sharing what makes the heart happy, if you'd like to see more, come on by 😘
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