Why Fast Food isn't Worth it

in #food7 years ago

fast food fluch oder segen .jpg
Source original picture: pixabay.com

Mc Donalds, Burger King, KFC, Subway etc..
Almost everyone goes out for having fast food sometimes.
We think it is cheap and we don't have to make the effort to cook.

But do the advantages really outperform the disadvantages?
I want to explain some of my thoughts regarding this topic.

Fast Food is not cheap at all

source: pixabay.com

If you compare the money you spend for fast food with the money you spend for food in the food store, you already know what you will notice.
If you spend everyday $5 - $10 for fast food you are faster broke than you can watch.
Rather buy some cheap ingredients in the shop and do the cooking at home.
So you can use the rest of the money to invest in Steem. ;-)

If you're hungry for Burgers, buy some fresh ingredients an make delicious and cheap burgers at home, instead of eating the rubbish you find in Mc Donalds, Burger King and co.

You Lose Time

If you think about it, is fast food really fast food?
Honestly I don't think you save any time at all, having fast food regularly.
You have to drive to the fast food restaurant, wait at the line, wait for the preparation of your food and so on.
I have had some experiences at the Mexican restaurant, where I waited more than 1,5 hours for my food.
For sure this is rather the exception than the rule, but it is possible.
You have to spend the time for driving to the restaurant everyday.
Instead you can go the food shop once or twice a week and buy enough for cooking everyday.
This actually saves you a lot more of time than fast food does.

Fast food is mostly unhealthy

If you look at most of the fast food chains they have one thing in common.
Pizza, Burger, Pommes - nothing of this is healthy at all.
For sure it usually is very delicious, but we all know that this is not the only thing that matters.

You have so many opportunities to cook food which is delicious and healthy as well.
There are countless meals which are prepared very fast and taste like heaven.

A well balanced diet is one of the keys for a long and healthy life.
Don't underestimate this point.

Of course there are exceptions possible because fast food has some advantages as well.
If it had not, the whole area would not be that successful.



In this post I explained some points that speak against fast food.
Having fast food regularly costs you much time, money and a healthy life.

Of course sometimes when I'm on the road and get hungry I go getting some fast food for myself.
But when I do, I decide for restaurant like subway, kebab or asian food instead of Mc Donalds or Burger King.
As well I take care of what I order in the restaurant.

What is your opinion about fast food? Are you often getting fast food or do you rather cook your food for yourself? Let me know in the comments.

Thanks for your attention and see you at the next post.
Don't forget do upvote and to follow my blog, if you liked this post.

Infinityroad - Jason

infinityroad abschluss.jpg


Nice post Jason! I agree fast food is shortening our life. It's cheap in the short run, but you are cutting corners with your health bills later. But I think you're right, it's better to buy groceries and cheaper as well. Getting fast food isn't very efficient you're right. Thanks for the post!

Thank you for your valuable comment buddy.
We are lucky to know what is good ;-)

Hi Jason, fast food is no issue for me anymore since a long time! I like to cook and I prefer to eat fresh vegetables and fruits from the market, which is in my neighborhood. As a child and during my teens I loved to go to McDonalds, but this time is over. I always have some fresh stuff at home, so a tasteful meal is quickly prepared.

Hi Peter, thank you for your feedback.
I like your behavior. I like cooking fresh ingredients everyday for myself.
Vegetables and fruits are always available.

Fast Food is just a compromise for me when I'm on the road and have to get something to eat.

When meeting with some friends, we went out for some fast food earlier. However as you say, the time and quality is often not that amazing and the name junk food is not a lie. So at least when getting older, I preferred to cook some stuff when friends are giving a visit. Not that it might be much more healthier, but at least you know what is in it, its often more delicious and at least the ambient is better than in an fast food restaurant for sure ;)

I agree with you.
At home you can make the ambient however you like it.
But that doesn't mean that I reject restaurants.
In the contrary I like to go out with family or friends for dinner in a well restaurant at times. It's just something different.
One should just minimize the fast food consumption.

Thank you for your feedback!

I am a big fan of SLOW food. I despise fast food and try to avoid it like the plague. Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world and when we're on the road or stuck at an airport for more than 5 hours (it's happened to me 5 times now), fast food seems like the better option than starving. For the most part, we cook at home using fresh organic ingredients. I love making everything from scratch and cooking brings me a sense of joy and gratification.

But I would have to say one thing that's more important to eating healthily is portion control! Portion control is the key!

My kitchen is a literal laboratory of seasonings and spices. There is no way any fast food can compare. I especially save money at lunch break, by taking my own food. Your article gives me more reasons to continue.

Hehe this is something I love to read.
Preparing food for work at the next day is always a good option.
Thank you for your comment! :)

Ich bin der selben Meinung. Fast Food ist teuerer Müll. Man kann sich seine Pommes auch selber zuhause fritieren für einen Bruchteil des Geldes. XD.
Danke mach weiter so !

Hahaha jeder nimmt seine eigene Message aus einem Beitrag.
Danke dir für den Support, Viktor!
Jason! :)

We seldom eat fast food. Just once in while. We prefer preparing food at home specially for our children.

My opinion as well. Thank you for your feedback. :)

nice. exakt. die leute haben bewusster auf ihre Nahrung zu achten.
upvotet and resteemed.
danke dir dafür bro.

Es steht den Leuten immer noch frei was sie machen oder nicht machen.
Besser wäre es natürlich für sie, wenn sie es täten ;-P
Danke dir für den support buddy! :)

true words. der unterschied zwischen bewusstheit und unbewusstheit... ;-P
steem on meen bester

Nice one ma man :) keep promoting health and fitness :D

Of course I will!
Thank you buddy.

Just checked out your blog and saw that you post about fitness as well.
I start following you now. :)

ah that's good to hear man :) glad you like my content

I think it’s easy to say not to eat any fast food at all, however keeping it this way is hell of a difference, especially if you live in the city. We’re being bombarded with colorful promises of cheap, fast and delicious and when it is easy to say no to it when you’re not hungry, the situation changes dramatically when you’re starving and you see the promotion for something that looks yummy on the billboard then you really have to be strong to say no.

Yeah that's true.
That's why I say I consume fast food when I'm on the road and hungry.
But when I'm at home, I won't get fast food, but prepare my meal at home.
Thank you for your comment!