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RE: Artichokes from an Americentric Point of View

in #food7 years ago

It looks a delicious veg,it some what resembles our cabbage here in Uganda!
The love for artickokes seems to be running in the family hehehe

When I was young, my parents served artichokes and I developed a taste for the humble vegetables
hen one of my kids turned out to be an artichokaholic. She loves them. Artichokes are probably her favorite vegetable

Artichokaholic now thats a new nice word there hehehe.

I see the flowered artichokes give a beautiful scenary and that can make you eat 50% and leave the other 50% to flower!!!

Monopoly seemed to be the order of the day back then as almost everything had a ruthless controler like Ciro Terranova!

As a new person who love to enjoy the delicious artichoke, i would go for the artichoke heart pizza!!! You know how people(me inclusive!) love pizza!!!!

Stock more artichokes for your daughter though.