Super food in the summer to eat 夏に食べる最高のスーパーフード

in #food7 years ago


Season: July to September

benefits: This summer season favored includes nutrition C and is an exceptional source of vitamin B 6, niacin, and folic acid. Peach is likewise rich in potassium, keeps healthful blood stress and enables to save you kidney stone and bone loss. Additionally they have plenty of fibers, helping digestive machine health and colon fitness.



メリット:この夏のお気に入りはビタミンCを含み、ビタミンB6、ナイアシン、および葉酸の優れた供給源です。 桃はまたカリウムが豊富で、健康な血圧を維持し、腎臓の石や骨の損失を防ぐのに役立ちます。 彼らも繊維が多く、消化器系の健康と結腸の健康を助けます。

In season: August to October

The benefits: Avocados are high in carotenoid antioxidants which includes beta-carotene, lutein, and neochrome, all of which assist to save you osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, in addition to improve cardiovascular fitness, assist regulate blood sugar levels, and save you cancers of the mouth, skin, and prostate gland.



利点:アボカドはベータカロチン、ルテイン、ネオクロムなどのカロチノイド系抗酸化物質が多く、変形性関節症や関節リウマチを予防し、心血管の健康を改善し、血糖値を調節し、口の癌を予防します 、皮膚、および前立腺が含まれる。


Always enjoy your new posts but always end up hungry lol. @jindass