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RE: Grandpa Gotta Cook—Tikka Masala

in #food5 years ago

Another worthy contender!! This was a fun read for sure. Once you said the tomato sauce was strong I thought the exact thing you did, marinara or some sort of seasoned tomato sauce that tones down that tomato flavor. I know what it was missing, A few stray hairs... I think that is how Emeril makes his dishes taste so good,


I tend to double the meat on every recipe, so not to disappoint my inner carnivore. LOL Way to go out on a limb and take a gamble, sometimes you win and sometimes you don't, but you always learn something no matter what happens.


Hey, @jlsplatts.

I need to follow your lead and at least and a half more meat, if nothing else. At any rate, there's room to improve as far as this recipe and its contents are concerned.

I'd rather avoid the whole hair thing, though. We'll let Emeril keep his secret ingredient. :)