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RE: A Story of a "Vegetarian Since Birth" & Who has a passion for all animals.. Myths about Vegetarians..

in #food7 years ago

My question is about about the third principle of Jainism, and you might be dodging my question as to say that maybe my question is not really a question and that is too bad for you to dodge, assuming you are dodging as an alleged non-violent person that has to maybe avoid conflict as some Asians do for example.

I want to know what you think about Non-Absolutism as that principle is in conflict with the other principles there. You can see the paradox and you should talk about that paradox.


In not dodging any questions here, just that i have made 2 posts on deatiled jainism. I guess you have not seen the links, nor clicked to see. However here it is:

Anekantvad :
Having multiple faces of the same reality is called Anekantvad, here we see from the neutral prospective as what is correct and what is wrong considering all the factors.
As per jainism, at each stage and situation of life, the right deed as per you is different from right deed for someone else.
Just understanding from one point of view, narrows down our thinking. For example, while eating we always think as we are hungry but we never take a step further to think what will happen to the lives of animals and plants we are killing so easily ? What pain will they feel in their heart? Can we try to minimize their agony? In fact, we just ignore that.
Anekantvad says think beyond, think beyond selfishness. If you start thinking today, tomorrow you might find solution which is beneficial to opposite party as well.
Let's take an example of relationship.
One girl is - daughter for father,same girl is sister for brother and wife for husband.
So for father rest of statement are false. So one will agree when father says, she is my daughter, brother says she is my sister and husband will say she is my wife…
This is Anekantvada.

In other words, you believe in relativity, as in subjectivity, which is spread around the world through progressive, leftist, democrats, and by others too. There are different names and titles found in the world and throughout history in different religions and cultures and cults that describes what you are detailing above. It is the Fifty Shades of Reality Myth.