Bit about Me

in #food7 years ago (edited)

Photo on 3-9-17 at 9.25 AM.jpgHey! I'm Kiersten. Originally an Oregonian, but with a love from teenagehood for Seattle, I made the move in September of 2016, and currently residing. November of 2017 brought me about my 21st year of life, yet wasn't the year where my love for quality beer came about. We'll say it was somewhere 5 years prior (throw the ole' winky face in here).

With this first post, my goal is to put all the important words forward: the words pertaining to what the posts to follow will cast some spotlights on.
I'm thinking good beer, I'm thinking good coffee, I'm thinking good food all around. A lot of the time the coffee and beer is going to come from out and about in the cultures where they derive from. And if this is news to you, I'm here to tell you, the world of good beverages, specifically in the Pacific Northwest are second to none.

We've got mountian-run off water that mixes with hops for some of the best Indian Pale Ales in the world. We've got humans who put more love into their time roasting coffee beans then they do into having conversations with their grandmother. Not to mention the valleys of Eastern Washington and Western Oregon with their vineyards where award winning wines emanate. I guess I'm saying, we really know how to show your palate a good time.

On the food side of this blog, I am going to be the main producer of the concoctions exhibited. Or in other words, I really love to cook. And that may be an understatement. An hour and a half of work into a meal I will enjoy for 15 minutes is an everday occurrence for myself, and so I will find great pride and joy in posting the dishes and meals I make each day. I think it's a really rad thing I've got going, basically because it's an excuse to keep the blog regularly updated as well as another platform to show off what food I've made besides my Instagram story. (Ditched snapchat last year, even though my instagram story is basically the same effing thing. Still kicking myself everything I post something, despite doing it every day. Hopefully the blog can wein me off of it).

I will definitely go out occasionally and snag something nice to eat, then let the community know all about what divine meal I had the honor of eating.

The catch - I will also pose myself the challenge of recreating said meal at home. When it comes to picking something on a menu at a restaurant, I like to choose something that either I've never had ever before, or wouldn't necessarily be able to recreate in my own kitchen. This is my mindframe always. So, stay tuned for when I head out to a restaurant, and then bring home the iniative to bring the same dish back to life a day or two later!

Beer-wise, I recently turned 21, so the world ahs definitely been my oyster in going out to bars and breweries and indulging in new beers. Someday, I'd love to aspire to appreciating a good whiskey. For now though, I'm just going to try more beer, give shit to those middle aged white men from West Virginia who think there isn't anything else in the world than an IPA, and keep this community in on what the scoop of what's a delicious new brew. Sound okay?I think so.

In the coffee aspect of all of this, I will put forth the fact that I work in the coffee industry here in Seattle. It's a major network full of all sorts of people with crazy stories and desires for the careful little green bean to be transported along a journey of careful heating and attention just for some stupid-good flavor blast to hit your tongue, accompanied with the oh-desired caffeine boost. I'm saying, I love coffee, other people love coffee, I live in the right place to learn about about it and talk about it, and honestly...I hope it's educational and exciting for those who want to know what's deeper than the surface level of ordering a "double tall latte".

Often, I will post latte art pictures and stories from the shop I work in. And often, there will be photos from other shops with detials about the experience. It is quite the hobby of mine, if it could be labeled as such. So, please, join me in the virtual journey of going to a new coffee shop!IMG_3899.jpegIMG_3867.jpeg


Hallo @khollywood thank for like and drink coffee. I'm coffee farmer also social worker for farmer in Dataran Tinggi Gayo Sumatera Indonesia. Many coffee we produce goes to your country.
Sometimes I'm also freelance tour guide for coffee tourist, If you have time please come to my small town. Sorry My English is not perfect. I hop we can to be friend

Aye glad to see you made it to steemit :D ! - wyatt

Welcome, I'm sure you'll like it here. :)