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RE: 🚩 Whitetail Deer, 💉 The New Buffalo? 🌽 Weaponized Food Supply

in #food7 years ago

"there are usually nuggets of truth" everywhere... that is how you fool a barely sentient hominid to accept something as the indomitable Word of God.


Lol! Perhaps in some cases they were fooled (in the early days). I tend to lean toward the early converts having been converted by brute force for fear they would be slaughtered, rather than believeing for a second they actually believed what was being shoved down their throats... That said, It does seem to be that this is a means by which they are keeping people in modern times following along with the program! Thank you for sharing your thoughts @midfrost

Thanks for partaking.
Allow me to quickly attempt an example.
I just wrote a book, it's got the usual stuff, binding, leathery cover with some title and my author name on, and two pages inside.
On the first page, I write "Sun rises, and sun sets, a cycle as certain as the tides.", which is an apparent truth, yes?
On the second page, therefore, it won't matter as much what I write, because there was such an apparent truth on page 1, the reader is more likely to accept whatever's written on page 2.
As such are the doctrines programmed into the inoculated ignoramuses.
Bible, Qu'ran or Talmud/Torah, they're all concocted in a similar manner.

🙏 1ove 💞